☆Not Mine P.2☆

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☆Miles 42 x Spider Woman Reader☆

Recap Line:
"I can help you, but I need something in return."

3RD Person POV:
Y/n trembles underneath Miles's touch. Her watch was broken and every single breath pained. Her eyes had held a fire, a fire to not give in, but her body was exhausted and pleading for a rest. "I don't want to hurt you." Miles said softly, his expression showing he could not bear to see this y/n in pain. Her sobs quieted down as Miles outstretched his hand. For a minute, he hesitated, but nonetheless, this girl was still Y/n, a girl he loves. Y/n slowly grabbed his hand, being pulled up, finally able to stand. Miles wraps an arm around the girls waist as she leans into him, slowly guiding her back to the room where he sat her down. Miles carefully looked at the girl, seeing the glitch caused a wound near her stomach, ripping a bit of her suit. He quickly grabs a towel and gently applied it to the wound, causing her to hiss in pain. He bought an extra pair of clothes for her to change in while he got bandages.
Y/n POV:
I changed into the clothes Miles gave me. It's all so weird. It seems as if everything happened a minute ago, but it's actually been hours. I sighed but instantly regretted that choice, because the scar had felt as if it deepend. I stepped back out of the room and looked at Miles, who had been waiting with the bandages. I sat back down on the couch lifting a part of my shirt for him to wrap the bandages. Once he finished, I sighed in relief. The wound had been covered, which put me at some ease. I catch Miles looking at me, like he was in a trance before he snapped out of it. "Uh let me check your watch" he says desperately. I nodded and showed him my hand, the watch was cracked and a little broken from the inside. I slipped it off my hand and gave it to him.
After a few days...(sorry I'm getting desperate💔)
The watch was fixed, it did take a couple of days but Miles achieved fixing it. Miles looked at me before handing me the watch, letting me out it on. I was back in my suit and the wound had somewhat closed. I opened the portal and walked up to it. Slowly stepping in, I felt something hold me wrist. "Wait. You still need to give me something." He says, I tilt my head in question as he walks closer, my mask was off so he puts his hands on my face and pulls it closer. Leaning in close, his lips touching mine. I was surprised, but closed my eyes and leaned into it, pullling away after a few seconds. "Goodbye Miles."

"Goodbye darling."


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