☆I'm Here☆

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☆Miles 42 x Reader☆
This is a oneshot where Miles 42 protects you from a harraser(it is a serious topic and I just want the people who have experienced any type of harassment to be comforted by this, not offended)

2ND Person POV(?):
It's almost 11:00 pm and you're in the library. It's mostly quiet, unusually quiet might you say, other than the stray dogs barking outside. You sigh and close the text book, stress overtaking your mind because of the important test coming up. Looking down at your phone, you realize it's dark, and forgot you promised Miles that you guys could have a little movie date together at your house. You stand up, the chair behind you groaning at the movement. When you look around, you realize you were one of the people in the library, other than the creepy man in the corner secretly glancing at you. Shuddering, you
start heading for the exit, not noticing the creepy man standing up as well. You knew it was a cruel world, but you weren't ready for it. Not at all. You step outside of the library. Of course, having the worst luck possible, it was pouring, but you couldnt have Miles waiting now could you? Deciding to just go through it, you start quickly walking down the sidewalk, hoping no one see's you in this state, matter of fact, you hope no one see's you at all. You were fine with walking alone until you hear footsteps behind you, it would have been normal but there was absolutely no one out right now. You internally pause, wishing this wasn't happening. 'Maybe they're not following me. Maybe it's just some person who wants to get home as well' you think, crossing your fingers to make sure it was the truth. Unfortunately, it wasn't, because the person followed you through multiple turns and alleys. You hear the person's footsteps quicken and your eyes widen. Quickly dashing down the side walk you were currently on, you realize your not even close to your home. You were actually lost, from all the random turns you had took to loose the guy was useless, because now, you were standing at a dead end in an alley. A dark, cold, and cornered alley. You're helpless, and for once, you have no one to help you, and you cant help but start crying for help. With no other people around, the only thing that could be heard were the echoing pour of the rain and your wails which got quieted when the man covered your mouth. Remember when you said that you hope no one could see you? You lied, you needed someone to desperately see you at this moment. Your eyes shut, trying to make the tears stop but not your yelling. When you thought all hope was lost, you heard a thud and felt the grip on your mouth and arms loosing. Peaking your eyes open, you see a familar purple suit which would have caused you instant fear, but at this moment, whoever was under the mask, had saved you, and you were extremely grateful. You see the prowler had killed the man, leaving him on the floor where you could see the blood becoming more thin due to the pouring rain flooding up. The prowler turned to you, for a minute, they hesitated, as if wanting to say something, but in the end jumped up and left you. A trembling sigh escapes your lips when you get a grip of yourself. "Y/n?" you hear a voice say. You look up and see Miles. A wave of relief and comfort washes over you. "Miles!" you say, your weak voice cracking due to the remaining fear you had. Your tears uncontrollably fell. Running up to him with your shaking legs, you hug him. Almost immediately he brings one hand up to your hair and the other to your back, rubbing circles. "Shhh" he says, trying to comfort you the best he could. "There-a man-i couldnt-no one-the prowler-dead" you tried to say but your voice kept cracking and your were scared. Really scared. But you felt a little better, being in Miles' secure hands which gently caressed your hair. "Your going to be okay," he says suprsingly sweet.
"Im here Mi Amor"

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