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Jungkook sat in a pink apartment where he stuck out like a sore thumb dressed all in black. It's been exactly two days since he last saw you and before that it had been three years.

Three years without seeing or hearing about you from anyone. Not even his Jin hyung who was supposed to be one of his best friends. He understands why Jin couldn't say anything but he doesn't understand why. Jin didn't tell him where you were because your sister told him not to and Jungkook gets that. He doesn't get why nobody could tell Jungkook though. Why did everyone else get to know where you went but he couldn't? He tried calling and texting you for days but after a while he took the hint and realized you did this all on purpose. By the time he had to go back to Busan that summer he didn't even say goodbye to Jin and he hasn't been back since.

"Babe, what do you want for dinner?" Jiyoung's voice cut through his thoughts of you like a sharp knife. Jungkook blinked back his thoughts and sat straighter on the suede couch, "Whatever you want."

He made himself smile as she came into view wearing a big t-shirt of his. He needs to remember who he is now. He's not the same kid who would spend his days surfing and holding you at night. He's grown and he's in a relationship with the kindest girl he's ever met and nothing is going to change that.

Jungkook met Jiyoung exactly four months ago. He had driven down to Seoul to visit a friend of his and he stayed here for about two weeks. Yoongi took him in for some time while he looked for apartments and a studio too. One day he went out for drinks with Yoongi and his other friend, Jimin, who came down for the weekend and that's when he met Jiyoung.

It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, Jungkook had been going through it for some time and he hadn't been interested in relationships at all. They were both drunk and it had been so long since Jungkook last entertained a girl that in the end he found himself in her bed having a one night stand.  What was supposed to just be a one time thing ended up turning into a month of long distance texting until one day Jiyoung made the move and asked if she should go down to Busan to visit him.

He didn't think too hard on it and told her yes, from then on they've been dating and now he's in Seoul. He's not living with her, he's only staying with her until his apartment is ready. It'll be about a week until then but left Busan a little earlier when his lease for the tattoo studio was ready.

The point is, he's moved on. He got over you and thought it took a while, he was able to bounce back and move on. Now he's in a happy relationship and the only downside is that you're back in the picture again. He doesn't understand why the universe thought it would be a cute little joke on him by bringing you back but he doesn't find it funny nor amusing. He also doesn't get how Jiyoung never mentioned you.

Sure, because the relationship had been long distance they didn't talk much but he heard tons of stories about the others. He heard of how Hoseok would pass out drunk on Mina's couch or how Namjoon would call her asking for a ride nonstop. He's sure if he heard Jiyoung ever bring you up... his blood would surely run cold. Did he miss it?

"What did you think of my friends?" Jiyoung asked as she plopped herself down on his lap after placing a food order for delivery. Jungkook winced in surprise as he brought a hesitant hand up to her lower back and smiled.

"They seemed cool, easy going," Jungkook said as he placed a hand on her thigh focusing his attention on it, "What are their names again?"

Jiyoung laughed softly while running her fingers through his hair, "You already forgot?"

He shrugged. Jiyoung released a sigh in thought, "Let's see... there's Mina, she was my roommate my second year of college and I guess we just sort of stuck together. She's like the opposite of me, she'll speak her mind and not care who hears."

"Then there's Hobi and Joon, I honestly can't remember how they got into the picture. I think either Y/n or Mina introduced them to me but they're big sweethearts. Don't get me wrong they can be assholes too but at the end of the day they care a lot about their friends," Jiyoung said and Jungkook could just nod in understanding.

"That's all?" Jungkook asked with a clear of his throat as he watched her grow silent in thought. She shook her head no, "I'm trying to figure out how to describe Y/n."

His breath hitched. She smiled, "I met Y/n when I met Mina, I remember now. Y/n had just started going to school again after taking a year off and she brought Joon along. Her and I weren't close right away like me and Mina but after some time we became better friends."

"Really?" Jungkook asked hoping she wouldn't pick up on his breathless tone, "You two are nothing alike—from what I can see, I mean."

"Oh yeah, we're not," Jiyoung sighed as she made herself more comfortable on his lap, "Y/n... she's a mystery, y'know? You never really know what she's thinking or doing but at the end of the day she really is a good friend. At first I thought she wanted nothing to do with me, that's the vibe I got. I introduced myself to her and Y/n did nothing but stare and walk away I thought she was a total bitch, not gonna lie."

Jiyoung said it with a little laugh and Jungkook just waited. You tried walking away from him at first too. Jiyoung cleared her throat, "Anyway, when you get to know Y/n better then you'll see that she's really just a sweetheart. She won't outright say how much you mean to her but you can feel it. Sadly those are my only four friends...plus you, I mean."

Jungkook didn't say anything for a moment as he thought about what she said. With a shake of his head in hopes of getting you out he found himself saying, "What did you order?"

"Pizza!" Jiyoung said cheerfully as she fell back onto the couch to sit next to him, "Should we watch a movie?"

"Sure, go ahead and find one, I'm gonna take Bam out real quick," Jungkook said as he stood up without asking if she would like to join. He called for Bam and grabbed a leash in case Bam had too much energy to stay by his side today.

He just needed some fresh air to clear his mind. He feels strongly for Jiyoung, of course he does. She told him she loved him about a week into their relationship and though he couldn't say it back, she never hated him for it. She accepted his slow pace and now he's staying with her till his place is ready. She's understanding and caring and honestly the perfect girlfriend any guy could ask for. He's beyond lucky to have her even if his heart doesn't beat for her the way it did in the past with others.

How did you fuck him up so badly that he can't even tell his girlfriend he loves her after three years? He's moved on from you, that's what he started dating in the first place but one doesn't just forget what they went through when the problem is standing right in front of them.

If he's going to be with Jiyoung then he needs to be better. He needs to be more engaged and focus his attention on her. He had no excuse now. Before Jungkook would always use the fact that they were long distance for his absence. He would only really get to see her once a month and even then it was never for more than a weekend. Now that he thinks back on how Jiyoung would post him all the time before he moved, he wonders if you knew all along that the two were seeing each other and if you did, why didn't you ever tell Jiyoung about you and him?

If Y/n really was the type to just disappear on everyone still then it makes a little bit of sense. Last time he checked, Y/n deleted all her socials and Jiyoung said it herself, they hadn't talked in weeks. He can picture Jiyoung going on and on about him to Y/n but he can't picture Y/n paying much attention to it. Maybe he was never really brought up by name and you never cared to know more.


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idc y/n is for us mentally unstable girlies who get into depressive episodes where we cut everyone off 💀

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