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JUNE 6TH, 2020

[ nsfw toward the middle and end, 18+. explicit smut ]

        The water was a beautiful gold color from where the sunset reflected off it making it look like it shimmered. You sat on your board out of breath and panting as you tried collecting yourself after your third fall into the water.

Jungkook was just smiling at you even when you looked at him like you were demising a plan for his murder. You released a whine, "I can't, it's so hard."

"Come on, one more time, I just want you to try and stand up on your board once," he laughed softly, "One more baby, that's it."

You felt like crying but you knew it was just you being dramatic. He's spent all day trying to help you balance but you're just so tired out and ready to give up. You refused to look at him knowing that if you did he would somehow make you want to try again even though you've already set your mind to  quitting.

He reached for the end of your board using all the strength he can to pull you toward him in the water. You released a small sigh thinking he was going to force you up when your boards touched, "Tomorrow we're staying in the water till you stand up."

You couldn't hide your growing smile, "We're done?"

He rolled his eyes playfully as he nodded his head, smiling when you squealed out of joy of being done with this torturous surfing lesson. Without thinking you practically dove off your board and onto his as he fumbled around to catch you, laughing as your board nearly flipped over with your leg strapped to it. He helped you sit on his and as gently as he could, he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you.

Jungkook helped you paddle back to shore knowing you were tired and you walked the boards back to Jin's shop. Jin looked up at you two just in time, "You know Y/n, I love you like a little sister but you gotta stop taking my employees."

"Sorry Jinnie, I'll pay for my surfing lessons," you told him making him smile and you looked back to Jungkook, "I'm gonna get changed, what are we doing for dinner?"

"You're coming over," Jungkook said with a raised brow as he proposed the idea. You went with the idea and left. He watched you leave with a smile on his face and when he caught Jin's eyes on him, it fell.

"You and Y/n, huh?" Jin asked amused, "How's that?"

Jungkook released a shaky breath as he joined Jin at the counter, "Why didn't you introduce us sooner?"

"Uh because Y/n lives in Seoul and you live in Busan and I live on this island?" Jin said sarcastically, "I'm surprised though, Y/n's a tricky one I didn't think she'd actually show interest in anyone that fast."

PERFECT STRANGERS ⇢ JEON JUNGKOOK 18+Where stories live. Discover now