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12JUNE 30th, 2020JEJU ISLAND

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JUNE 30th, 2020

It's been a full month with Jungkook. It's been the strangest yet most exciting month you've ever had and before ta because of him, honestly. You met him right away and since then you've been practically joined to the hip to the point where you don't know what to do anymore. You liked him, a lot, and everyone else knows how rare it is for you to feel this way over someone you still didn't know all that well.

It was beginning to make you wonder if things are moving too fast. It's only been a month and you've been staying with him practically every night to the point where you only visit your sister if Jungkook had to work or if he went with you to their place. You were just starting to wonder if you were being too attached to him and how he might feel about that. You've never been much of the clingy type yourself so to suddenly realize how you're becoming that way scared you a bit.

"Baby, I'm home," Jungkook practically sang as he swung the front door to his camper open covered in sweat and looking completely exhausted, "Sorry for being late, Mingyu is sick so I had to take over surfing lesson and it's hot as balls out there, I mean it would be perfect for night swimming so day the word and we can go out later."

You sat up on your bed as he came over to where you were, giving you a kiss in greeting in your forehead making you scrunch yourself nose, "You stink."

It made him laugh, "I know, I'll get in the shower and after we can think about dinner and you can tell me what you did today, alright?"


While Jungkook got in the shower you decided to get up and be a little more productive. Earlier you cleaned up a little around the camper and did more domestic stuff that made you feel a little strange but considering you were here all the time while he worked, it was the least you could do.

Your phone buzzed from where it sat on his bed with your sister's name displayed on the screen making you jump to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey, are you busy? Jinnie and I are having dinner at the restaurant, is Jungkook there? Do you guys wanna stop by?" She asked casually and thought it wasn't anything serious it didn't go past you that she asked for the two of you like you were some sort of package deal.

"He's in the shower but I could ask him when he's out," you told her looking to the closed bathroom door hearing the shower run, "Hey, I've got a question."

"What's up?"

"Do you think I'm being too clingy?" You asked nervously with your bottom lip between your teeth, "Like not giving him his space?"

"Why?" She asked, "Did he say something?"

"No," you were quick to deny that, "But I'm always here and im just wondering if he's too nice to tell me to leave. It's not big here and I feel like I'm just taking up space or being too clingy."

PERFECT STRANGERS ⇢ JEON JUNGKOOK 18+Where stories live. Discover now