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              The grass beneath you was a bright green, lush and soft except for the blade you twisted between your index finger and thumb. You stared down at it like it was the most interesting thing you've ever seen. You pulled patches of green out like you did as a kid during recess until you made a hole in the lawn.


You looked up at Namjoon who passed you a paper towel to wipe the dirt off your hands as he asked, "What do you think?"

"About?" You asked him as you looked at all of your friends. You all sat in a makeshift circle on a field of grass not far from Han River. It was your monthly friendly picnic and lazy Sunday.

Most of you became friends in college, except you and Namjoon. He's the same age as your sister and you grew up with him so you've always been close. He's the one who brought Hoseok along and then you met Mina who introduced you to Jiyoung. Anyway, adulting is hard and you all have busy schedules with work and you rarely get to see each other unless it's planned weeks in advance or extremely last minute when you find out you have free time. Today was one of those last minute things that started with you and Mina talking about how you wanted to go to the park for a picnic. Now you're waiting up for Jiyoung and her boyfriend to arrive.

"About Jiyoung's boyfriend," Namjoon said as he turned to the others, "He seems like a good guy, in my opinion."

He is, you fought the urge to say.

"Wait, he's coming?" Hoseok asked looking genuinely surprised by that notion. Mina rolled her eyes, "Don't get me wrong he does seem nice but I hate when Jiyoung ignores everyone else for whoever she's dating."

You were playing with the grass again as you said, "You're like that too."

"Yeah but I'm not annoying about it."

You couldn't disagree with her there but you also didn't want to talk about Jiyoung. She did tend to forget everyone else when she's in a relationship but that's just how she is, that's how a lot of people are and there's nothing wrong with it unless you change the way you treat others. Deciding better to drop the topic, you looked behind you to see if you should lay down and soak in the sun but before you did, Hoseok was patting his thigh and you were moving to lay your head on him.

Jungkook could see the group of people as they walked up to them. He tried and tried to convince Jiyoung it was better if he didn't tag along but she didn't listen. She said she wanted to hang out with her friends and her boyfriend so there was no way for him to get out of it. He gave up on arguing over it and chose to be a good boyfriend like it was an obligation.

He found you right away and he hated that he was looking for you in the first place. His entire reason for not wanting to tag along was because then he would have to see you again but here he is looking for you first.

PERFECT STRANGERS ⇢ JEON JUNGKOOK 18+Where stories live. Discover now