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MAY 22ND, 2020

             The clocked strikes 10:36am right on the dot but you only knew that because of the pillow that smacked right into your face snapping you out of sleep. Like it were a knee jerk reaction, you shot an arm out to smack your assailant who only picked up the pillow and hit you harder.

"Rise and shine, sunshine," your sister said with a smirk as she hit you once more asking for a fight. She was only a couple years older than you but that never stopped her from picking a fight—you were the one to usually get in trouble anyway. You released a loud groan in frustration, "What do you want!"

"Wake up already," she said, "This isn't a Bed'n'Breakfast you gotta go outside."

You looked down at the plate of breakfast she had set down on your nightstand next to your bed... "Sure seems like it is."

She raised the pillow in her hands but this time you were more prepared and ducked in time. With a roll of her eyes she said, "Well it's not and Jinnie has let you stay this summer because he's nice and I know he loves you too so the least you could do is see if he needs help on the boardwalk instead of keep yourself locked up in here."

With a groan you ate the rest of your breakfast, "Where is he?"

"I don't know, just go down and find him—shower first," she said. You rolled your eyes as she got ready to leave, "Alright but I'm listening to you because of Jin, not because it's you, I genuinely don't care what you say."

She laughed as she made it to your door, "Fine by me as long as you get your lazy ass up and enjoy summer on the island."

As much as your older sister got on your nerves, you had to admit she was right. Jin was nice enough to let you stay for months rent free, the least you could do is see if he needs help with anything. That's the only reason why you got out of bed, took a shower and left on the five minute journey to the boardwalk.

Jin owned a total of four shops on this side of the island. He ran a surfing shop where they would sell boards and gear along with teach beginner's courses. He had the small burger shack you ate at when you first arrived and he had a cabana bar too. The last business he ran was an apparel store which sold your usual tourist merchandise and that's where you went first.

From there you were directed to the burger shack where he might have been at but from there you were sent to the bar. With no luck at the three locations you were seriously contemplating murdering your sister for making you sweat. Finally, you arrived at the surf shop which played such loud music that it felt like you could lose your hearing just by being here. There were a couple people here looking at boards or swimwear but you ignored them and went straight to the counter where a familiar stranger sat reading some book.

It took him a second to notice you were there but once he did he nearly fell out of his seat, "You."

"Where's Jin?" You asked him as you looked around. It was a cute shop, you'll admit. Jungkook looked you up and down as he checked for the door as if Jin would walk in any minute now, "Uh he had to go into town real quick but he'll be back soon, why?"

Your brows furrowed as you looked at him, "I want to talk to him."

Listen, he was cute and you won't ever deny that but he did bump into you so hard that you fell on your ass and spilled your drink. Jungkook nodded as he tried going back to his book as you left the counter to look around. He found himself looking up at you every couple seconds as if you see if you were still here.

"So how long are you staying?" Jungkook asked as he shifted on his stool to look at you. You were currently looking at swim suits and all you gave him in response was a small shrug. He couldn't help but smile, "Not much of a talker, are you?"

This time around you did smile but you his it from him as you said, "Now who said that? Maybe I'm just not big on useless small talk."

Jungkook smiled, clearly amused, as he tabbed his book and pushed it to the side to engage in a conversation with you, "Oh, you want to jump right into trauma bonding? I mean okay... I left home when I was 16."

You looked at him and his smile didn't disappear knowing that he finally got you to look at least a little interested in him. Jungkook knew the game, he played it really well and he knew just what to say to get a cute girl's attention no matter how he did it. Damn were you cute even without that annoyed scowl you gave him from being drenched in alcohol. He looked away from you as he helped a customer out but the smile never disappeared.

"Am I supposed to tell you something now?" You asked with peaked interest as you went back to the counter. Jungkook bit his bottom lip in hopes of hiding an annoyingly boyish smile, "Only if you want to, if not it can wait till later when I'm off and we get some drinks."

You rolled your eyes playfully and just as you were getting ready to answer, a loud voice cut in.

"Jungkook! Are you bothering my future sister-in-law?" Jin asked as he rushed over to the counter. Jungkook let out a loud and dramatic gasp, "Whoa! I'm just talking to my future wife!"

You released a scoff but didn't bother saying anything knowing it was just a joke and turned to Jin, "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"I know, sorry, I forgot to tell your sister that I had to run into town," Jin said as he set a packet of papers down on the counter where Jungkook took them to put away, "So she wants you to work? Hm..."

Jin thought for a second, "I don't know if we need much help..."

You shrugged, "I don't know I'm just doing as told."

"I could get some help polishing the boards," Jungkook said smiling at you but Jin just rolled his eyes.

"You can do that yourself, come on Y/n let's go get lunch and pretend you're working," Jin said and you agreed with a happy smile. Your sister's boyfriend is always the one to baby you out of the two and you got lucky.

Jungkook watched as you got ready to leave with his boss and he just looked at you for a moment. He doesn't mean this in a bad way when he says there's nothing special about you. You're attractive and charming but that doesn't make you different. He's not thinking in his head, 'oh I just found my true love', he doesn't hear bells chiming when you're around, but he does feel curiosity. He wants to know more about you and see why he just got excited to see you.

"Don't forget you owe me a trauma dump!" Jungkook joked as you turned to look at him with an amused smile that had him smiling back. He waved goodbye as you left and he wondered how much Jin knew about you and how much he would tell him.

You were cute and he was very interested, what could go wrong if he got involved with you, anyway?


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no they used to be so cute :(
now they're all heartbroken and sad

also just for y'all to get sadder, there's a story with y/n on how Jungkook got Bam

PERFECT STRANGERS ⇢ JEON JUNGKOOK 18+Where stories live. Discover now