Chapter 16

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I pull up in front of Irene's apartment and walk straight in. Whenever something major happens, Irene always hides away at home instead of facing the consequences of her actions. She looks up from her seat on the sofa, her eyes red.

I sigh as I take in the panda onesie she's wearing and the popcorn on the table. Of course she's watching The Notebook. Part of me sympathizes with her. The choice she made isn't an easy one, and for her to do this a week before the wedding means she's serious. It must have been heartbreaking, knowing she couldn't have both her career and Lisa.

"Jennie." She holds her arms up and I bite back a smile as I sit down next to her, giving in to her silent plea for a hug. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back as she rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," she tells me. "I know how much time you put into this wedding, but I can't do this. I can't sacrifice my career, and even though I love Lisa, I'm not willing to abide by her family's suffocating rules for the rest of my life. I can't live like that, Jen."

I pull back to look at her, my gaze searching. Dad hasn't told her, has he? "Unnie," I murmur. "You have to do this. It's too late to walk away now. There really is no going back anymore, Rene. If you walk away now, that's it. It's the end of Lisa and you. Do you really want that? I know you love her, and she worships the ground you walk on. I know she makes you happy, Rene."

She shakes her head. "I can't, Jen. I really can't. If I marry her, I'll just end up resenting her for everything I'll lose in the process."

"Unnie." My voice is soft yet chastising. "This isn't just a love marriage, though. It's an arranged marriage. Have you thought of what will happen to Mom and Dad? The company and everything we own? Without the Manobans' support, we can't survive."

She wraps her arms around herself, a hint of insecurity in her gaze. "They won't harm us. You know they won't."

I cross my arms and stare her down. "Grandma Anne came to the house today, Rene. She insists that the wedding take place next week... with or without you. If you don't do this, they'll... they'll make me marry her in your stead."

Irene's eyes widen, and she falls silent. "What? You can't be serious?"

I nod. "I am. Dad told me that if I don't, I'll lose my company and all the money he promised to invest in me. Grandma Anne warned him that she'll pull away all support if this marriage falls through."

She runs a hand through her hair. "They're just trying to strong-arm me, Jennie. They won't actually make you do that. Besides, Lisa wouldn't ever agree to it. That's sick."

My heart clenches painfully even as I nod. Sick. Twisted. That's probably what Lisa thinks of this entire situation, too. "I'm not sure, Rene. I don't think they're merely bluffing. Dad seemed worried, and I've never seen Grandma Anne look quite so serious."

Irene shakes her head. "Don't worry," she reassures me. "You won't be forced to do anything, Jen. They won't make you. They're merely threatening us and using you to make me change my mind, but I won't."

"Unnie," I pleaded. "Can you truly bear to watch Lisa marry someone else? Marry me? I know you love her, Irene, so please think about this carefully. If they aren't bluffing, then what? Will you really stand back and become Lisa's sister-in-law? Because that's what'll happen if you see this through. Dad made it quite clear that if you're not there on your wedding day, I'll have to walk down the aisle in your stead, or I'll lose everything I've worked for."

I know Grandma said she wouldn't accept Irene at all anymore, but I'm certain she wouldn't object if Irene changed her mind now. All she's ever wanted is for Lisa to be happy, and her happiness lies with Irene. It always has.

Irene looks away and runs a hand through her hair."I'm certain, Jen. I can't do this. I won't sign away my life for anyone — not even Lisa."

I stare at her in disbelief. "Even if it means she'll marry someone else?"

She nods. "If that is our fate, then so be it."

I grab her shoulders and shake her. "Irene!" I snap. "Be reasonable, for God's sake. Can't you see what you're doing to me? You'll get off easy, but what about me? I'll be stuck having to marry a woman who has only ever loved you, and if I refuse, I'll lose my career. Don't do this to me, Unnie. Don't do this to Lisa."

She looks into my eyes, her expression a mixture of defiance and disbelief. "It won't come to that, Jennie. You won't lose your company. Neither Dad nor Grandma Anne would ever let that happen. She loves you more than she's ever loved me, you know? Even if I don't marry Lisa, she won't punish you for it. Don't worry, okay? You won't get trapped in a loveless marriage, or whatever it is that's going through your mind. Forget the fear Dad instilled in you, Jen. Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

I shake my head. "No," I whisper. "Everything won't be."

I don't know how to make her see reason. If Irene doesn't change her mind, she'll be destroying three lives, including her own.



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