I do fight

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Finally, Friday. Tae had been missing from school for two days and hadn't been answering my calls whatsoever. Maybe he was sick.

"Jungkook!" yells a voice.

I look up and see Jeongin yelling for me again.

"Headmaster calling for you" headmaster?

Everyone 'ooo's as I leave. Fucking annoying. I head to the headmaster's office. My heart drops when I see Changbin and Yoongi in the same room next to the headmaster, who was waiting.


"Hello Jungkook" The headmaster greets. I bow in response, sitting next to Yoongi.

Changbin has a large purple bruise on his face, and another one on his jaw.

"I'm here to inform you that you're both suspended. Well, you're suspended. Yoongi's expelled." The headmaster says simply.

"What?" I jumped up. Yoongi grabs my arm, holding on tight. But I snap out of his grasp. "That's unfair. Yoongi didn't start the fight-he just won it" I say. "And Changbin's beat me up more times--"

"Several?" The headmaster and Yoongi narrow their eyes.

"Y-yes" I say. I feel Changbin glaring at me.

"I don't want to hear it. come back in three days." The principal dismisses me.

Yoongi grabs my hand and pulls me out. Only to stop in the hall and push me against his locker.

"You didn't fucking tell me that, bunny" He glares.

"Tell you what?"

"Who know fucking what, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you fucking act like this!" I shoved him off. "I can fight my own fights--"

"But you don't fight" Yoongi glares down at me.

"Fuck off" I push him away before grabbing my stuff and leaving. ----------It seemed Yoongi has the same idea as me and was ignoring our friends. They texted me, asking where we'd gone and if we were fucking (form Jimin) but obviously rumors were spreading.

The only one I responded to was Taehyung, because he was apparently at school, and I didn't see him. Probably because I was so mad.

T: Hello, I saw you leave school, are you sick? I hope you're well; these are the things we did in class, attachment: two images. 

T: 'Someone said you're expelled? Are you alright?

JK: don't worry Tae Tae I'll be back soon. ;)

Yoongi had really pissed me off. So, I decided to head to Namjoon's when it got dark to talk to him about it or whatever. I pulled on some all-black clothes and walked out the door, sneaking past other doors as quietly as I could.

I walked past storage containers into a graffitied alley with garage doors leading to more storage space. Men in black walked on the other side of the walkway.

But I was too pissed off to care or notice that they were there, and I bumped into one of them. He also seemed pissed off because he wouldn't let it fly.

"Hey punk!" he yelled and shoved me against the wall. Out of reflex I kneed him in the dick. I then punched him in the gut, and he fell to the ground.

His buddy walked up, looking madder than the first. he grabbed my head and bashed it against his knee. I fell back against the garage door, seeing stars.

"You're a fucking idiot--you picked a fight with the wrong guys--"

He slammed me against the other garage door and punched me, I yelled out in pain, tilting my head back.

Then I was thrown to the ground and kicked. I grabbed one guy's foot and knocked him off balance. He fell into the other guy, and I quickly got up as they struggled.

One made a swing for my face, and I ducked and kneed the other guy in the stomach. The first made a grab for my hood I ducked under his arm again, twisted it and knocked his legs out from under him.

"You punk!" I was shoved against the doors again. "We might just have to burn that pretty skin of yours."

He pulls out a lighter. I shoved his hand towards him, and his shirt easily catches on fire. He starts screaming and I run down the alley.

I do fight. 

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