Pretty Smile

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We brought cake upstairs and continued our little game, sitting in front of the projector once again. As I eat, I see his arm again. 

Scars covered up most of his skin. Some old, some new looking some were thin lines, and some were blistering circles. 

"My turn. Truth or dare?" I ask, looking up at him. 

"I'm scared now, truth" he says cautiously. 

"Hmm, do you have a crush?" I ask. 

"Y-yes" He mumbles and looks down at his cake once again. He held the spoon tight and held his arms close to his chest. 

"No way" I drop the plate. He rolls his eyes, punching my shoulder. 

"My turn, truth or dare?" 

"Truth. The last one was too mean" I pouted. 

"No, it wasn't." I showed him my phone, a concerned string of texts from my friends filled the screen. Jin was going to kill me tomorrow, possibly kidnap me but not in a nice way. 

"Sure, anyway why does Changbin hate you?"

"Ooo cutting to the bone, huh?" I scoffed and leaned back on my palms. 

"Is it that bad?" He raises a perfect brow. 

"Let me explain. Back in freshman year I actually used to be friends with him. We were dating, pretty much. But he thought I cheated on him with Yoongi. Which to be fair, was happening. But onyl after I found out he'd cheated on me with some kid so I ghosted him. He foudn out I 'cheated' on him and then we broke up well, he beat me up. 

Yoongi heard about it after He got super pissed and went and fought Chanbin. From then on we've all just hated eachother. But we were bound to fall apart, he cheated on me and I shut down, icing him out" I explained. 

"Damn" He says. 

"Truth or dare?" I sit up, resting ym elbows on ym knees. 

He closes hsi eyes. "Dare..?"

"Haha you fool!" I stand up. 

"Ugh, what?" He flops back onto the pillows. 

"I get to draw on you. Whatever I want" I smiled, already pulling out a sharpie. 

"Really? That's mean." His eyes plead with me. 

"You're one to talk" I scoot over, grabbing his thin wrist and placing it in my lap. He looks away, avoiding looking at his arm as I start to draw. I see him grip onto Yeontan tightly.

"Truth or dare?" He asks me. 


"Who's your crush?" 

"God, we really are gossiping little girls, are we? Not telling"

"Then answer another question."  

"Yessir" I draw on his cold pale skin. How was he so cold? I drew little hearts and his name, paired with my name. 

"Do I know him?" He was watching me. 

"Yeah" I smile, drawing a little bunny.  "Truth or dare?" 

"Truth" He decided. 

"How many people have you dated?"

He sighs, tilting his head up. I watch his pretty eyes. "Kindergarten doesn't count, right?"

"Pff no" I laughed. 

"Then one person, but it was for a week, and nothing happened, middle school relationships, fun right?" He plays with Yeonan's ears. But I still feel his puppy eyes watching me. "Truth or dare?"

I doodled on his wrist, drawing a little star and a little cake. "Truth" I hum. 

"How many people have you dated?" 

"Ugh" I put a hand on my forehead, trying to think, I bite my lip. 

"Really?" He pushes me. "No way"

"Look, I don't date I just...."

"Fuck around?" He tilts his head to meet my eyes, I see a smirk on his lips. Now he was just messing with me. He knew what he was doing. 

"Yeah, pretty much"

I drew stars on the inside of his wrist, over his many scars. I add in little smiley faces and a little doodle of Yeontan. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I scoff at his answer. "Shut up, kook"

"Ok, what's a secret you haven't told anyone?" 

" know a few. I've bene self-harm free for a week now" He responds. 

I looked up at him, he was biting his lip and looking across his room. His hair fell in his eyes. "I'm proud of you."

He looks at me, his eyes narrowed not of irritation but suspicion. 

"You think you can make two?"

He shakes his head. 

"You should promise me. Try to make two weeks, yah?" I hold out my [inky, he links it. 


"Promise" I say. He blinks his pretty puppy eyes at me. 

"I'm tired, let's sleep" He stands up. He flicks off the lights, the fairy lights being the only light in the room now. I flopped onto his bed, and he lays down next to me, not facing me. 



"You have a really pretty smile" 

Pinky Promise--TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now