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No one wanted me. 

I knew that. 

That's why I wasn't getting adopted. 

Who would adopt a teenager?

I was jolted awake by the chaos of the class getting ready for gym. I looked around. Tae still hadn't showed up for school. Something was wrong. He wasn't even responding to my texts. 

I didn't go to gym. I didn't have the energy. Instead, I pulled out his book again. 

01.08. 16

I want to go to school. 

Taehyung how long have you been hurting yourself?

Six years. 

No. No. No. I couldn't read anymore. I dropped the book in his desk and put my head down. I felt wrong. 

At lunch I sat with the other guys in the cafeteria. They were all in a lower mood, understandably. I could feel people watching us, whispering in low tones. 

After lunch I couldn't take it anymore and left. I called Tae as I walked out of school, he was worrying me. 

"Hey--" It went to voice mail. "Is something wrong? Did I do something? I'm worried please just tell me you're ok" I hang up. 

I find myself at Yoongi's grave. I sit down next to it. I didn't know what to do. 

A month ago, everything was normal. 

A month ago, I had all my friends. We'd mess around and get in trouble. A month ago, Yoongi would call me telling me he needed me. He'd call me bunny and tell me I'm annoying. 

Where did it all go?

"I miss you Hyung" I sit up, looking at his grave. I was crying now. "I miss you so much" I put my head in my hands. sobbing. 

I do anything to hear him call me bunny one more time. Or to see his rare gummy smile. I want to play with his rings and call him silly nick names he hates, only to see him wrinkle his nose and roll his eyes. 

But he was gone. Six feet felt too far. 

"Hyung, why did you go?" I wipe my eyes. But he wasn't going to answer. "I'm trying Hyung, I'm really trying but it's...I'm so tired" My voice cracks and I stared at my palms. 

They were shaking. My sobbing made my breathing uneven. I take a deep breath looking at his gravestone. Hsi name would be in there forever. It wouldn't change things. 

"I wish you could've stayed" I whisper. 

I couldn't stay here a minute longer. And I took, taking one last look before turning away. I started back to the orphanage. 

Someone grabbed me and threw me against a wall. I winced as my back hit rough brick and looked up. It was the two men from before. 

"Found him again, Haneul?" His buddy stocks up behind him. 

"Fuck off, I'm not int he mood" I shoved him. 

"And we're not int he mood for your cocky ass attitude" his buddy says and punches me. I tripped and fell backwards against the wall. Haneul kicks me int he ribs. I yelled out and fell to the ground again, not getting up. I see him grin. 

"Come on, Doyun" Haneul chides and Doyun steps in, holding a metal pole. He raised it and I rolled over to him, punching him in the knee. He yells out and falls. 

I grabbed the pole getting up and swinging at Haneul. He ducks and charges at me, grabbing me around the middle, tackling me to the ground. 

Sirens fill the air and the two men get scared, running off. I groan and get up, limping along. I didn't want ot deal with the police either. 

Pinky Promise--TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now