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It had been several days since the walk in the gardens, Henry had been informed that Anne found out that Catherine made shirts for him, and she almost threw a small fit over the fact - it rarely bothered Henry because they were just shirts, but knowing Anne, she would believe that it is a connection shared between Henry and Catherine.

Henry found himself immediately comparing Anne to Isabella, the sweet girl had been plaguing his thoughts and dreams so much that he now wants her for himself, but knowing her morals and that Isabella was so virtuous, he was content with just having her near.

Isabella De Angelo brought something out in him that he had thought was lost long ago, kindness and his youthfulness, yes he wanted her but he was showing a kindness to Isabella by respecting her wants and needs.
Henry was a kind man. But, when he wanted something, he would give chase until he had it, Anne Boleyn was proof of that.
However, if the Pope's stubborness to grant the divorce between Henry and Catherine, then Henry's restrain to bed Anne and be done with it may start to loosen.

Henry noticed that one of the pretty maids in Anne's household was missing. His spies told him that the girl was dismissed from service due to being found guilty of stealing something that belonged to Anne.
He did not really care, but the poor girl had caught his eye quite a few times when he dined with Anne. "Why did you dismiss Grace?"
Anne glanced up from her deck of playing cards. "The girl stole something of value from me."
"Are you quite certain it was she that stole it?"
Anne smiled inwardly, Norfolk found out that Grace was actually a spy for Catherine. "Yes, my father had the evidence. We had no choice."

"You should have brought this forward to me, Sweetheart."
"It matters not now, my love. It has been dealt with."
"It happened in my court, Anne, I should have been notified the moment the evidence was found."
Anne swallowed the lump in her throat. She needed to change the subject, and quickly, glancing out the window, a small idea came to mind. "I have a gift for you."
Henry arched an eyebrow as Madge Sheldon stepped forward, curtseying low enough for if he were to glance down. He would see the top of her bosom and hand him a small pouch made of dark velvet.

Naturally, Anne noticed that Henry's eye observed Madge a little longer than necessary. Perhaps he was comparing her beauty with her own. That was what Anne was telling herself.

Henry pulled out a small locket pendant, it was decently designed in the fashions a man of this century would wear openly or in secret, opening it his facial expressions were unreadable as staring back at him was a small portrait of Anne Boleyn.

"To keep it close to your heart."

Henry glances back up at her, a small smile on his face. "Thank you."
Anne noticed that he put the locket back into the pouch, placing it in his pocket. She had hoped he would at least pin the locket to his chest.


England was in low spirits since the Princess Mary was ill. The King had dispatched the best Royal physicians to oversee her wellbeing, and now he was waiting to ride with Lady Anne.
He instantly noticed Isabella in a riding habit upon a beautiful, chestnut mare.

Henry bowed his head when her eyes landed on him. "Lady Isabella."
"Your majesty." She spoke, bowing her head in return.

"Pray tell, where are you headed on this fine morning?"
"For a ride, her majesty does not need my assistance this morning, and so I decided to use this free time to take a ride." She responded, leaning to pat the mare's neck. "I have not ridden since coming to court, and my grandfather gifted me this beautiful mare as an early birthday gift before he retired to Rome."

"May I ask when your birthday is?" Henry spoke, stepping forwards to stroke the mare's neck, their fingers brushing against each other.
"In two months from tomorrow," Isabella replied, noticing Anne Boleyn approaching in her riding habit, if looks could kill - Isabella was sure she would be dead with the glares she was receiving. "My father had not said anything on the contrary, but I believe that he is planning a small feast."

Isabella then laughed. "May I ask where you are headed on this fine morning, your majesty?"
"For a morning ride, with Lady Anne." He replied, observing her facial expressions, but Isabella schooled them perfectly.
It was then that Anne appeared, curtseying low to the King. "Your majesty."

Isabella tightened her grip on the reins. "Then I wish you both a good ride."
Bowing her head towards the King, completely ignored Anne Boleyn as Isabella whistled and then rode off.

Anne let out a small huff of annoyance at Isabella's utter disrespect to her social status. Being the Marquess of Pembroke, Isabella should have bowed her head at Anne, not just the King.
It did not go unnoticed by Anne Boleyn that his majesty, the King, did not wear her locket - that upsetted her the most.
Is she losing the King's affections? No, she had kept his attention and favour for seven years. Many had tried and failed to hold a sliver of the King's favour, but her family always came on top.

But this girl... Isabella De Angelo is starting to become a thorn in Anne's side. No matter where Anne turned, she would always hear someone talking about Isabella De Angelo.
Anne could not deny that Isabella was not pretty, especially her eyes, the colour of emeralds, but that was all. Her other features were simple and rather plain looking.

The ride with the King was quiet. Usually, they would be talking about numerous of things, Henry would be telling her endless sweet promises, but he barely spoke a word.

"May I ask where are we headed, your majesty?"
"Ludlow Castle," Henry replied, motioning for his steed to go into a fast-paced trot. "My daughter, Princess Mary, has fallen ill, and I wish to know of her health."
Anne let out a small sigh, one that did not go unnoticed by the King. "You may return, Lady Anne."

Coming to a complete stop on her mare, Anne looked quite surprised. "Your majesty?"


The doors to the Boleyn family's chambers opened, Anne stalked inside with tears threatening to fall as she ripped her French riding hood from her curls and shoved it into the hands of a maid, once alone Anne screamed out in frustration into a cushion.

Glancing up to meet Thomas's eyes, Anne schooled her emotions before wiping her eyes and rose to her feet. "Papa."
Thomas stepped forward to cup Anne's face, observing her facial expressions for any signs of distress. "What ails you, daughter?"
"Lady Isabella De Angelo." Anne whispered, afraid that the woman would suddenly show up if her name was called out. "She is ruining everything! I am a Marquess and she does not show me an ounce of respect towards my status, and when I complain to his majesty, the King, he laughs at it as if it nothing more then some joke between friends."

Thomas Boleyn did not know what to say, true that the De Angelo girl was becoming a nuisance, but he did not think the plain looking girl could ever outshine Anne's beauty. "I believe I am losing the King's affections, he has yet to convince the Pope to annul the marriage with Catherine because she was his brother's wife and in the eyes of God, the union is cursed and would remain sonless. Cromwell has yet to find evidence that would prove the Queen lied about the marriage with Prince Arthur was consummated, I know that she is purposely placing Lady Isabella in the King's path as a way to keep her position and the Queen's crown."

Tears began to slowly fall, and Thomas's heart broke seeing his daughter in such peril. Perhaps he should approach the King. "Worry not, Anne, Norfolk, and I will fix this." He replied, wiping Anne's tears. "I promise you that, just continue to do what you are doing. Perhaps even entice the King with the idea of you becoming his Maîtresse-en-titre. And if you succeed, then your place by his side would be permanent."

"But I will not be Queen if I become the King's Maîtresse-en-titre."
"True," Thomas whispered, smirking. "You will not be the Queen of England, but you will be Queen of the King's heart."

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