Twenty - Nine

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Isabella dined with Henry nearly every night, and he was doing everything he could to put another son in her, as the fear of what happened to Prince Arthur still haunts Henry to this day - all royals needed a spare or two.

Henry had wondered what his life would have been like if Arthur had lived. Would he still be able to meet Isabella since he was set to marry Princess Eleanor, Catherine's niece?
Would he still have met Anne and gone down the same route if Eleanor failed to birth sons?

No, being the spare came with some freedom but marriages builds alliances and Henry was not in the position at that time to pick amd choose who he could marry, but perhaps with some persuasion with Arthur as King, Henry could have found happiness as just Prince Harry.

There were nights where both Henry and Isabella laid on the bed together, engaging in random conversation topics, he had voiced these types of thoughts with Isabella and immediately thought that she would laugh at his child like thoughts.

But, like always, Isabella surprised him by calling him a simple boy named Harry, and she was his Bella.

If he was not the King of England and Ireland, Henry would have liked to have a small estate in the countryside, away from two-faced courtiers and the pressure of providing sons to continue the Dynasty.

Yes, he could dream of being just a simple boy called Harry, with his beloved wife, Bella by his side and their children.


The following months seemed to be on repeat, Isabella dined with Henry and sometimes with Anne, did her Queenly duties, engaged in polite conversation with visiting Royals and their entourage but there was no sign of Isabella being pregnant.

There were even moments when paranoid thoughts began to slowly creep in. Was someone trying to make her infertile again? Was God punishing her for falling for a married man and breaking up a marriage?

Lady Giulia watched the young Queen with keen eyes, as she slowly became paranoid with everything she ate or drank for fear of being poisoned and leaving poor Charles alone to face the hardship that is being Crown Prince of Wales.

Lady Giulia organised for a walk out in the gardens for some needed fresh air, Isabella welcomed it, and noticed that those in her service seemed to be keeping five paces back aside from Charles's wetnurse and Lady Giulia.

"Your majesty, forgive me if I step out of line, but is everything alright?" Lady Giulia asked, linking her arm with Isabella's as her wise eyes scanned to see if any prying eyes or ears were floating around.

And they usually were.
Always watching.


"I am... afraid, Lady Giulia."
Isabella replied, letting out a sigh as they stopped to inspect the blooming rose bushes, Henry had them planted on the eve of Charles's birth as a present to Isabella. And she loved glancing out of her windows down at her small rose garden haven.

The young Queen was unsure as to why she was telling the truth, but she was certain that Lady Giulia was indeed loyal to her and could be a trusted ear to listen to all of Isabella's woes.

"His majesty is doing everything he can to put another son in my vacant womb, but I fear that this time, I will fail to provide England with a spare. And with it, my position as Queen will be threatened. No matter how much his majesty, the King declares that he loves me."

Lady Giulia paused, tilting her head slightly. "I have yet to hear whispers of the court of this, your majesty."

Naturally, no one had died of poison in the English court in centuries. The suspicion of poisoning died out during the reign of Henry III, though people speculated that people were using it in secret.

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