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Henry had kept to his word, Mary was invited back to England, Isabella stood tensely on the podium of the throne room, awaiting the arrival of Mary and the Duke of Suffolk.

Only a select few knew of Isabella's pregnancy, Anne was one of them, but she had kept true to her word and spoke not a word - perhaps to keep in Henry's good graces.

The throne room doors opened up, and trumpets played as the footman yelled. "The Princess Mary and his grace, Duke of Suffolk."

Mary walked in front, she had new ladies with her, Isabella let out a small gasp at the sight of the Princess and even Henry rose to his feet, anger written across his face at the sight of his daughter.

For her age, Mary seemed malnourished. The gown wore seemed a size too small and old.
What exactly happened to Mary in Spain?

Mary gave a curtsey. "Your majesties." For child of twelve, she was prim and proper, as if she was still Crown Princess of Wales.
Henry motioned Mary forwards. "Mary, my Pearl, it is a pleasure to see you again on this festive day. Do take a seat."

There was a small chair, placed beside Isabella's throne, a symbol that Mary was still his daughter and an English Princess.

Once Mary was settled into her seat, the music started up again, courtiers began dancing, and Henry began to have a deep conversation with Cromwell and Duke of Suffolk.

Isabella glanced over at her sisters, Lucrezia was being courted by John Butler, and a marriage contract was to be discussed soon between the De Angelos and Butlers.
Sophia also was being courted by Francis Bryan, a man with many talents, and was recently given a title of Viscount.

Soon, Henry clapped his hands, and the room instantly quieted as all eyes fell onto the King. "My good people, I wish to inform you all on this day that the Queen is pregnant. May God save her."

"God save the Queen!"

"Did you hear that?" Norfolk sneered, eyes narrowing towards the Queen as she approached Anne and Elizabeth.
"Of course I have heard, Norfolk, I am not deaf." Thomas Boleyn hissed back, annoyance danced across his face. "Elizabeth's existence will be overshadowed. We need to place Anne back in the King's bed."

"We will need to solve it," Norfolk spoke coldly. "If she gives birth to a son, count Anne's days as the King's Maîtresse-en-titre numbered, we will be ruined."


Isabella decided to visit Mary, what she had witnessed shook her to the core and immediately called for action, Mary's new ladies were insulting the Princess in Spanish as if they did not expect anyone to overhear.

One even dared to strike Mary's cheek, Isabella made herself known and slapped the woman back just as hard, she knew that it was improper for a Queen to strike anyone but seeing Mary, her stepdaughter, getting abused made her angry.

It was there that Mary explained what exactly happened since Catherine and Mary stepped foot on Spanish soil, their ladies were instantly minimised greatly, and Catherine was placed in a convant with her sister, Johanna.

Mary was placed in a room, hardly given anything to eat was subjected to insults on a daily basis, and she had to beg her cousin, the Emperor, for anything new and she hardly had any communication with Catherine.

When Henry heard of this, his heart instantly broke at the hardship that his daughter and ex-wife were experiencing. His mind was made up that night as Henry observed Mary and Isabella dine together.

Mary will not be returning to Spain. She will be staying here at Hampton Court, with him and Isabella.
Catherine will also be welcomed back to England but will be given Ludlow Castle to reside in and will be welcomed to court for festivities, including Christmas.


Jane Seymour paced in her chambers, nibbling on the corners of her fingers, glancing at the vial that Thomas handed her.

Was he completely insane?! To poison Isabella juat as soon as her pregnancy was announced!

She needed to speak to someone about this. Anonymously, of course, perhaps one of the Archbishops could ease her mind and give her comfort. This was for her future... Her success as Queen of England - so it could not be that evil?

But there was that small, nagging voice echoing in her mind that she was killing an innocent child, no matter who the mother was.

Her mind was already made up, Jane took the vial, hiding it within her sleeve, and headed towards the Queen's chambers.

May God have mercy on her soul.

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