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Ever since that fateful evening of her birthday, Isabella had been avoiding Philip. She was not even aware he was back at court. Whispers of the reasons why Philip and his family were back at court was different reasons, they struck wealth and brought titles of nobility, some even stated that Philip's father paid people to sing his praises which got the notice of King Francis and in doing so - gained the attention of King Henry VIII.
Isabella did not care how the Giuffrida family got their wealth. All she cared about was that the boy she once loved was gone the moment he stepped out of those bushes after his scandalous affair with Anne Seymour.

The King had invited Isabella and her father to join him on a hunt. It did not take them long to notice that any of the Boleyns, including Anne, was not a part of the hunting party.
Charles Brandon and his wife, Catherine, were also in attendance, Isabella made sure to have some conversation with the Duchess to clear some of the boredom whilst they watch the men hunt

While Charles, Lord De Angelo, and Catherine rode ahead along with some of the King's guards, Henry slowed his steed down to a walking speed so that he may keep up with Isabella.
"I must apologize, Henry," Isabella spoke, earning a small look from Henry before she continued. "I lied to you, the evening of my birthday."
"Pray tell, what did you lie about, dearest Bella?"
Isabella sighed, knowing that if she did not tell him now, there would be a risk of a scandal later on if anyone knew and had loose tongues. "Lord Giuffrida, I do know him..."

Henry's eyebrows knitted together but motioned for her to continue. "We... We childhood sweethearts, he had planned to ask Cardinal Wosley for my hand in marriage but naturally my father would not agree as our union will not suit, Philip then spoke of running away to Spain or even France since my sister, Gabrielle, was rumoured to be the French King's Mistress - which she had denied of course. All rumours were put to rest when her maidenhood was proven to be intact and she was untouched."

"And what of your relationship with Mr Giuffrida now?"
"I swear to you, Henry, it was nothing more than a childhood love." Isabella reassured him, nibbling on her bottom lip, hard. "I do not love him. My eyes were open to his character as a man when he stepped out of those bushes with Lady Anne Seymour."

Henry nodded, giving her a small smile. "I thank you, Bella, for your honesty."
Isabella gave a small bow with her head in return. "I do hope this information does not affect our friendship?"
He shook his head. "Nay, it will not, Bella."

They quickly met up with the rest of the hunting party, Lord De Angelo boasting that he and Charles took down a stag, which earned praised from Henry, Isabella was surprised that her father gifted the stag to the King in his honour as he had yet to hunt anything.

Isabella and Catherine took down a few rabbits, Isabella was even bold to join the King in taking down a beautiful stag - obviously, she allowed the King to take the killing shot.

Once the King had his fill of hunting, they all decided to return, but Charles mentioned that the home of Sir John Seymour was closer.


There had been a slight rush to prepare a meal for their royal guest, Sir John was especially thankful to have such an amazing wife who pulled together a decent meal without such a small amount of time.
"You must forgive the tardiness of the kitchens, your majesty."
Henry sat at the head of the table, sipping on his ale with the Duke of Suffolk and his wife on the King's right and Lord De Angelo and Isabella on his left - Henry made sure that Isabella was directly sitting beside him. "I believe I am well looked after here, Sir John."

Henry's eyes scanned the room, observing the facial features of those that travelled with him, whom he considered most loyal and trusted.
"The Duke and I were reminiscing about the French campaign."
Henry had almost missed the battlefield, as there was no other way for a glorious King such as he to remembered than win a war or two.

To this day, people still spoke of King Henry V and his successful win at the battle of Agincourt, which was something less likely to be forgotten, and Henry craved for such glory.

"It is a shame that we only fought one battle with them." Henry added, glancing at the dark amber liquid of his ale. He knew many would remember as the time Catherine led a small army and defeated the Scottish King, she was also pregnant with Mary at the time.

It was rumoured that the heavy effect of the battle put strain on Catherine's body, which resulted in Mary being born sickly, it also left a sour taste in Henry's mouth at the memory of Catherine handing over King James's bloodied cloak - she as a woman stole a victory from him, even though she did it for England.

"But what a battle it was, Your majesty. I remembered how we charged at them, with his grace, Duke of Suffolk, and Lord De Angelo leading the vanguard with such bravery."

Isabella seemed taken aback that her father had been on the battlefield, and Lord De Angelo bowed his head in response. He had never seen much battle as he was more diplomatic like his father and his grandfather, but they needed brave men to lead, and Charles took a chance on him.

Lord De Angelo may not be experienced on the battlefield, but he was skilful with a sword and coming up with last-minute strategies that led to their victory.

The men at the table laughed and joked about random things, Isabella had taken up conversation with one of Sir John's daughters, Dorothy, and everyone seemed to be at peace with each other.

"To past victories," Henry toasted, holding his goblet in the air and other followed suit.

Henry was indeed bloodthirsty for another war, yet was hesitant to do so since the line of succession was fraile and not secured, he had wished to share stories of his victories with his sons, like his father had done.

Something had caught his attention. It was a glimpse of a figure watching them, watching him. They seemed to have ducked out of sight when they realised that the King had seen them. Soon, the figure would appear again.

The woman dressed in white came down the stairs, the room slowly fell silent as they realised there was company.
Sir John then spoke. "Your majesty, may I introduce to you my daughter, Mistress Jane Seymour."

Henry stared at the beautiful gown she wore. It made her appear angelic, as candlelight bounced of her curls like a halo. It was something Henry had never seen before, much less believe the Seymours could afford such a luxurious gown.

Jane stared right ahead at the King, feeling the nerves starting to rise as she wondered where Thomas and Edward were able to get such a beautiful gown.

Lowering herself into a curtsey, low enough for if Henry wished, he could take a peek at the little cleavage the dress allowed. Remembering her brother's instructions, Jane kept her eyes cast down for a few seconds and glanced back up at the King.

They all had expected the King to approach Jane. The Seymours literally was betting on it, but the King made no movement towards her.
"Welcome, Mistress Jane."

Jane shared a look with Sir John, Thomas, and Edward, who seemed slightly taken aback by the King's dismissive of Jane's presence.
Jane had done what was instructed of her. They were hoping that was enough to gain some attention from the King, but he was more focused on talking Isabella De Angelo.

Sir John grabbed Jane by the hand forcing her to take the only unoccupied seat, which was next to an unknown Lord, Jane kept stealing glances towards the King but never once locked eyes with him - she wondered what she had done wrong, was it the dress?

Jane's first greeting with the King was similar to how Anne bumped into him. She also was a part of the Queen's service just like Anne - so why was the King not interested in her? Her mother and sisters helped prepare Jane, was it something they had done?

All these thoughts circled Jane's mind as she stared at her plate. Her family was depending on her gaining the King's affections and possibly the Queen's crown.

And yet, he was completely focused on anything but Jane.

The Seymours made their move, but it was an epic fail.

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