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Clasp in prayer, Jane Seymour prayed that God would heed her prayers that the King turn his head from his Boleyn Whore and the Fake Queen so that she might gain his favour, the King's attention will turn to the court now that both Anne and Isabella were pregnant.

Thomas Seymour had paid good coin to gain the trust and aid of Sir Nicholas Carew, who was a friend of the Duke of Suffolk, and Thomas seemed to have formed a friendship with  Philip Giuffrida; a man that had history with Isabella. Together, they will aid Jane in her quest for the King's attention, though Lord Brandon seemed reluctant in helping as his wife appeared to be on friendly terms with the Queen.

Staring at the cross, Jane wondered when the King will turn his attention to her, Sir Nicholas Carew was doing his best in singing her praises but it will be all for nought if the King does not glance in her direction.
With both Isabella and Anne now pregnant, there is a chance that the King may take another Mistress, but for how long, that was the question.

At twenty-six, Jane knew her clock was ticking, and with each passing day with no marriage prospects, she would be considered an old maid, and no eligible noble Lord would even have her as a wife.

Tears stung her eyes, her family was supposed to be the most influential in the English court, as they were related to the Boleyns and Howards through a grandmother on the Boleyns side, but yet their position barely rose and the astrologers that Thomas paid coin for all predicted that Jane would have children, Royal children.

"My Lady..."
The maid glanced around for fear of being overheard as a topic such as this should not be discussed out in public. "She says she will meet with you in two days' time."

The maid knew that should her lady be in grave danger should anyone know what she planned to do, and yet Jane Seymour would not listen to her maid's advice or warnings.

The astrologers promised her a royal child and a grand future, that her children would sit on the English throne, but first she would need to gain the King's attention and she will whatever it takes to get it.


Awakening to the sound of light, feminine giggles, Isabella frowned slightly as she moved to sit up and glanced around in her chamber; she was alone and was not certain what time it was.

Henry had left early, as he stayed the previous two nights, and she could not even blame him as Henry was the King of England and his Mistress, Anne was also pregnant.

Though, she missed how he hugged her when she was pregnant with Charles.

Climbing from her bed, Isabella placed a hand on the small but noticeable bump, she was a little worried that bump was a little bigger with this pregnancy than with Charles but the midwives all agreed that she was expecting a boy, she will soon deliver a Duke of York by the end of summer.

A smile formed on her lips as she stared at her reflection, Isabella longed to give Henry what he desired for as he already done so much for her regarding Mary and Catherine and she, did not want to displease him when like all men, desire sons above all else.

The whispers of her ladies grew louder, as Isabella approached them, trying to make out their hushed words, but all she could hear was Anne's name being mentioned and someone by the name of Thomas Wyatt.

Isabella's eyebrows knitted together in confusion as she tried to wonder where she heard Thomas Wyatt, then it clicked, Philip once quoted a poem of his about a childhood lover.

"Cousin Elizabeth," Isabella called, making the two ladies immediately stop reading and quickly bowed to their Queen. She eyed them for a moment before approaching.

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