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It took Henry two full months to recover from the jousting accident, the first month the privy council took place in his chambers with Isabella sitting in on the meetings, the second month was when Henry began short walks as the injury on his leg had opened up again but thankfully the physician from Istanbul, Moses Amon had successfully stopped the infection from spreading by ordering the bandages to be changed on a daily basis and a medical ointment prescription to treat the pain of inflammation.

The King walks now with a limp due to the ulcer opening up again, and a walking cane was created to help until the ulcer was healed, but Moses Amon had considered the ulcer was too deep to fully heal correctly, that annoyed Henry greatly.

Now, he was focused on the matters of State, as he could not ignore any longer, what troubled him most was the fact that Charles Brandon had information on a conspiracy against the Crown and did not disclose it to his King, his long time friend and loyal companion had betrayed him again.

The first betrayal was marrying his sister, Mary, in secret without Henry's permission and withholding Mary's death from Tuberculosis, and now this betrayal angered Henry the most because Charles did not only betray him but he also betrayed Isabella.

Naturally, Charles would not be sent to the Tower to await for trial, unlike Sir Nicholas Carew, Thomas Seymour, and Philip Giuffrida. He would mostly be exiled from court until Henry sees fit.

"My good Lords, it is my will and greatest desire that in the event of my death that her majesty, Queen Isabella shall be recognised as Regent for Prince Charles until he becomes of age."
King Henry announced to the council, his eyes observing his peers that had gathered to hear his degree.

During his time in recovery, Henry was left with much to consider, he knew despite his desire to live a long and happy life with Isabella; he must prepare for the event when God calls him home before he was ready.

Isabella knew that many would be displeased with such notion, many had suspected that Duke of Suffolk would be appointed Regent in the event of the King's death and now, with only a few words it had been decided that it was Isabella that would rule in her son's name when her husband had passed.

Henry took hold of Isabella's hand, who nodded silently as he addressed the council once more. "My Lords, I have desired to grant the castle in Ludlow to to my beloved Princess Anna, I wish to see the castle repaired to it's former glory before the Princess takes up her placement there,"
Henry continued, knowing that soon it would be time for Anna to leave the Royal Nursery which she shared with her brothers, sister and whatever child Anne soon delivers since she had begun her confinement during Henry's recovery.

"My Lord Suffolk," Henry glanced at his friend, a look that left no misunderstandings of the King's next few words. "It is you who I task with such duty to restore Ludlow Castle to its former glory for our most beloved Princess."

It was Isabella that came up with the idea of not exiling Charles but send him to Ludlow Castle as the castle was still considered unfit to reside in, even with the renovations that had been done since Catherine had left for France.

The message was quite clear, this was to be Suffolk's punishment for the accident that Charles had caused that left the King bedridden for many weeks with a splitting headache and caused the ulcer on Henry's leg to open up again.

"It is an honour, your majesties." Charles replied back stiffly, his facial expressions revealed nothing about how he felt, this was a lesser punishment than what Nicholas Carew, Thomas Seymour and Philip Giuffrida would receive and it was far better than complete exile.

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