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Author's note: Please be advised that this chapter contains mentioning of non consensual | sexual assault. If make you uncomfortable, please ignore and wait until the next chapter.

Thank you.
Miss_Tupps xo


The King's merry mood did not last for long as the Spanish ambassador, Eustace Chapuys, insisted on speaking with Henry, what annoyed him most was the man was bold enough to openly demand to speak with Isabella, who was still recovering from childbirth, if Henry did not grant him an audience.

Obviously, the Spanish Emperor was now adamant that a union between England and Spain would happen. This time, however, it was his newborn daughter, Anna, that Spanish bastard had his eyes on.

The ambassadors from all the Catholic Kings and of different faiths approached him. The King of England was almost bombarded daily with marriage negotiations for Charles, Anna and Henry.

Even the Pope offered a marriage contract, for Elizabeth as the family she was set to marry into decided to marry their son to someone of a higher status, Anne was a little sour until Henry mentioned that Elizabeth could be a Duchess.

Alessandro Medici, Duke of Milan, was a man in poor health, and he had a son twice Elizabeth's age that will inherit the title of Duke. Henry had sent a spy, wanting information on the Duke of Milan's family  his young wife was the illegitimate daughter of the Spanish ambassador, which was a surprise to Henry as the marriage between Holy Emperor of Spain and Isabella of Portugal seemed strong.

Alessandro Medici had two sons, Ippolito, from his first marriage and newly born Lorenzo.
From what the spies had gathered, Alessandro was a loving father and dutiful husband. He morned his first wife for four whole years and did not even take a Mistress. He married quickly as his young son needed a mother, and within a year into his second marriage, the Duke was blessed with another son.

Henry agreed that Elizabeth would make a fine Duchess. Since she was an illegitimate daughter and Ippolito Medici was of both noble and Royal blood, their children would not be a threat to the English throne.

Then there was his little Duke of Richmond, Elizabeth Blout dared not to make any marriage negotiations as she believed her sickly son would not survive, but he had just celebrated his thirteenth birthday.
Henry Fitzroy needed to marry fast and quick, perhaps another illegitimate daughter of a Baron, Earl or Duke. There were two potential families that he could marry into, Howards or the Seymours.

Margery Howard was the niece of Norfolk. Even though the man was exiled, the rest of his family were not.

Margery Seymour was the youngest daughter of Sir John, a low-level Knight of the Realm, and also the sister to Jane.

Henry paused in his thoughts, he had vowed to Isabella and to God that he would stay faithful, but ever since Anne's miscarriage, Jane Seymour was there to keep him company in place of Sir Nicholas Carew.

And for that, Jane was in his company, either with Thomas Seymour and Sir Nicholas or by herself, he knew of the whispers that Jane was his new Mistress but Henry had yet to confirm nor deny it. Obviously, he had yet to return to Anne's bed, prehaps he should since he had been neglecting his Maîtresse-en-titre in favour of his family with Isabella.

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