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For VixenQueen18 and Vanna1196


Château d'Ax Cléry, Calais, France

Princess Mary, Duchess of Calais, prepared herself as the trumpets sounded the arrival of the King and Queen of England. The happy reunion between Mary and Henry was overshadowed by the death of Catherine.

Mary stared at her reflection, gone was the girl she once knew as she immersed herself in French culture and she was dressed as a French Duchess should be in the latest fashions of the court and she hoped that it would please King Francis, her father in law greatly.

As the final touches were added, her dark hair was covered by a French hood of black silk and velvet, Mary was the lead mourner for her mother's funeral.
Turning to face her ladies, Mary held out her arms for her son, Louis De Valois, the future Duke of Calais.
It pleased her Lord husband, Charles De Valois, that she had given birth to a son on her first try. They both wished to have many children in the future.

The line of succession of House Valois needed further securing as the Dauphin of France had died a week before his marriage to Maria of Portugal and the new Dauphin of France, Henri, seemed to be focusing more on his Mistress, Diane De Poitiers than his wife; Catherine De Medici.

Mary stood next to her husband, King Francis and his new Queen, Eleanor of Austria stood in front, the whole French court was dressed in different shades of black as they were mourning for the deceased former Dowager Princess of Wales.

With keen eyes, Mary watched as King Henry walked towards them with her royal stepmother, Queen Isabella, behind him.

"I welcome you to France, my brother." King Francis spoke after pleasant greetings from the English and French court were exchanged.

"Thank you, your majesty," Henry replied, nodding his head. "Though, I do wish it was on merrier terms."

Francis then beckoned Mary forwards, and she quickly fell into a curtsey. "Your majesty."
Henry smiled as he observed the woman that his beloved firstborn daughter had become. Gone was the fashion as an English princess, and now standing before him was a French Duchess.

"Mary, my sweetheart." He replied, glancing down at the babe in her arms. "Is this my grandson?"
A smile came upon Mary's face. Her son was the light of her life during this dark time, and she took great pleasure showing him off to all who asked. "Louis, future Duke of Calais."

It was there that Henry took a few steps to the left, allowing Mary to set eyes on her stepmother, a woman that she had not seen since departing for France.

To all present, Isabella De Angelo still looked as beautiful as the day she was crowned Queen, even after birthing three children.

"Royal stepmother," Mary greeted, with a deep curtsey as Henry held his newborn grandson for the first time.
"Mary." Isabella greeted, with a smile. "May I introduce our Prince of Wales, Charles, your brother."

Mary could see the Tudor traits within Charles. He was a true Tudor Prince as he was born in the King's likeness, though his eyes were exactly like Isabella's.

Behind Charles stood his younger siblings, Princess Anna and Prince Henry, though they were twins; both looked entirely different.
Henry, like Charles, took after the Tudor bloodline from the hair to the green eyes whilst Princess Anna looked like Isabella, but the young Princess's eyes were exactly like Henry's.

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