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The Duke of Somerset stood with great pride as he stood by the carriage that was to transport Crown Prince Charles Tudor to Cornwall, the entire court had come to bid the little Prince farewell, he was almost seven and the King was insisting that his eldest son be sent from court to learn the ways of ruling a country.

It was decided by both Henry and Isabella that Duke of Somerset and Viscount Bryan would be in charge of the Prince's education and welfare, Stefano De Angelo being appointed Governor over the Prince's household in Cornwall, both men will stay with Charles until he is capable enough to govern in his own right as Prince of Wales, Isabella instructed them to encourage the Prince to write to Queen Mary Stuart, who will take up residence at Ludlow Castle along with Princess Anna.

It was clear to all of the English court that the Duke of Suffolk had been appointed High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire for life after the sudden death of Sir Richard Bulkeley, he was to overlook the administration of justice throughout the principality, the Duchess had even moved residence to be closer to her Lord husband as they awaited the birth of their child.

Charles was sure that his knowledge of the conspiracy in placing Jane Seymour in the King's path had reached Henry's ears, the King highly spoke of uniting the Brandon and De Angelo family through marriage, young Charles Brandon would marry Elizabeth Butler, John Butler's newly born daughter, when they become of age.

Isabella hugged her son, holding back the tears that threatened to fall as it would be many months before she would set eyes on him again, true that his siblings had yet to leave for their respective households but Charles was her firstborn.

It was his birth that secured her placement as Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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