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Catherine had heard of the pathetic attempt by the Seymours to put Jane in the King's way, true that Jane would make a decent wife and perhaps even a fruitful one but the woman was not worthy to be Queen.
Especially Queen of England.

Jane Seymour was easy to manipulate, though Catherine was sure that her naivety and submissive demeanour was nothing more than a façade, the woman was in her service and she had never dared to even step out of line.

But now, with some persuasion from her family, Jane was becoming too bold for a woman of her status.
Just like the Boleyns, the Seymour family were aiming too high and would fall harder, especially since rumours of Dorothy Seymour's flirtatious nature had been circling around court and now whispers of Jane failed attempt at seducing the King spread like wildfire.

But that soon would be overshadowed by the up coming nuptials of George Boleyn and Jane Parker, rumours stated that George Boleyn was drunk and took Jane Parker's maidenhood and to save any further embarrassment, Thomas Boleyn and Henry Parker made a marriage contract which was approved by the King.

Catherine could not help but believe that this was God's punishment towards the Boleyns, both Boleyn girls are known to be the King's whores and the Boleyn heir to be thrown into a marriage he does not want.

She found it quite laughable indeed, especially when Anne's pregnancy with the King's bastard is being overlooked.


Jane Seymour stood impatiently at the back of the chapel, the smell of the potent incense used in the morning's mass lingered in the air, attacking her senses to the point she felt uncomfortable, almost suffocating.

It was still early in the day and already time had been spent mostly in this God forsaken chapel, first with morning mass and now with the wedding, Jane's thoughts had been out of place as the memory of meeting the King in her family's home circling back.

But he had yet to pay her any attention, Thomas believes that the King's whore carries a girl, he even entrusted her with some books. It will benefit her to read and learn on how to successfully seduce a man, let alone a King. She is to learn, to use and to secure the Queen's crown as originally as planned, Thomas still believes Jane is the perfect puppet to be Queen. If all else fails, then someone else will snap up the opportunity to be Queen, and it seems the possibility is Isabella De Angelo.

A hand on Jane's shoulder brings her from her thoughts, it was Dorothy. "I must stay at the back, behind a curtain, Father has yet to forgive me, it seems. He wishes for me to hide so as not to start gossip and ruin this special day." Dorothy speaks, earning a small look from her sister. "Care to join me?"

Jane rises a little too quickly from where she was seated, she had hoped that King, who stood proudly at the front with the Queen had spotted her. But she also knew that was foolish thinking, the King had his whore's brother's wedding to think about.

The wedding itself was beautiful, even with how short noticed the wedding was, the chapel was filled to the brim with well-wishers as the King and Queen stood at the front like shining beacons, which notified to all the court that the wedding is blessed and approved by the King of England.

Jane still does not know how Queen Catherine could just stand there, so regal with a display of infidelity so purposely displayed in front of her, Anne Boleyn reminded Jane of a plump chicken with her tight dress stretched over her small but noticeable pregnant belly.
Catalina of Spain must be made of iron, for she just stands there, smiling with the rest of the Boleyn party, polite and in good spirit.

Lady Jane Parker plays the role of a blushing, willing bride perfectly, smiling all the way through the ceremony. She of a high noble, rich family and to be married into the most influential family in the King's court was every woman's dream.

It also helped that George Boleyn had the looks and ambition to match.

"That girl is most ambitious, she will fit quite well with the Boleyns."
Jane glances sideways towards her sister. "She seems genuine to me."
"Jane... My beautiful but naive sister." She replied in despair. "Jane Parker had been hoping for a union with Lord Rochford the moment she laid eyes on him, it is a good match, for money, status and noble heirs but George does not like her."

"We will talk more at court." Dorothy adds, beating Jane to a goodbye as she walks off.


Henry had been to a lot of weddings in his youth and he believes a man should not be so drunk on his wedding night. George Boleyn and his male companions, aside from the King, had been drinking since the start of the celebration.
The once cheerful, boisterous men were now loud, competitive and uncourteous individuals.

Henry instantly noticed Isabella sipping her drink amongst the court ladies, ever so cautiously keeping her distance from the unruly men, twice he had the urge to approach her... to come to her rescue, but it seemed that Isabella could handle a few drunken men.

Once he finishes his drink, Henry slowly approaches Isabella, stopping every now and then as a random lady of the court proceeds to try and get his attention.

Lady Jane Seymour was one of them. She either accidentally or purposely walked out in the middle of his path, blocking Isabella from view.
"Your majesty." She spoke, curtseying deeply, a hand brushes against the hem of her cleavage, taunting him to take a peek.
"Lady Jane."

Jane rises to her feet, almost tripping, and the King, ever so the gentleman, helped her back to her feet.
"I thank you, your majesty."
"No need, Lady Jane."

Jane opens her mouth to speak of some topics that the King could find interesting, but he side steps around her, ignoring Jane completely as he continues to head in whatever direction he was headed before.


Isabella mingled with the ladies of the court, keeping in my to stay away from the unruly men, she glances every now and then over at Henry - they locked eyes once or twice, leaving Isabella to glance away with reddened cheeks and her heart hammering against her chest.

The newly married Lady Rochford gained Isabella's attention now, the woman's face was almost as white as her gown, she would soon be led away to consummate the marriage with George Boleyn and by the way she was acting - the rumour of her maidenhood not being intact unfounded, but then again, rumours can be fickle.

Jane could barely hold her wine, it appears that she wished to catch up to her husband, she was not far off. No one seemed to pay the bride any attention, the courtiers were more focused on joining her drunken husband antics, congratulating Thomas Boleyn and Henry Parker or keeping their distance. Isabella found herself hoping that when she marries, this is not what she is reduced to, she wishes to be merry and in love. Nervous but excited for her husband's touch, not a drunken fool or an emotionless wreck.

Jane catches Isabella's eye, there was an almost pleading look behind them, she had never shown Isabella hate nor has she offered friendship, considering how she was always following Anne Boleyn and Madge Sheldon around like a lost puppy. It was then that Isabella believes that Jane had realized she isolated herself from the friendship of others in her pursuit of George Boleyn, now leaving herself wide open.

Isabella gives her a reassured smile, which Jane hesitantly smiles in return.

The wedding celebration came to an end with the newlywedded couple being escorted by their parents to the bedding chamber, those loyal to the Boleyns stuck around to give their blessings towards the union, hoping that someday soon Jane would give birth to an heir to continue the Boleyn bloodline.

Thomas Boleyn continued the celebration well into the night, not really bothered that most of the courtiers had retired for sleep, Anne stayed as much as her body would allow but due to her pregnancy, she was feeling more tired as of late. Their majesties had also retired, Thomas had hoped the King would have stayed a little longer but naturally, he had a Kingdom to rule.

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