good night?

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Jungkook was unable to understand what made the elder laugh so much. He should have thrown a fit of anger at the younger, who dared to comment or assume his sexuality. But here he was, breathless laughing.

But Jungkook wouldn't deny that the sound of Taehyung's deep tone giggles and laughter were the most melodious in the world. The way his almond eyes squeeze into moon crescent and happy wrinkles on his face, he looked indeed beautiful.

Taehyung finally got a hold of himself and also realising that he was the only one who knew why was he laughing so he said, "you know, you're the first one who thought I was actually straight", and he started laughing again, "am too gay man, and you, of all the people assuming that I am straight is definitely an insult to my flirting tactics I've been practicing on you"

Jungkook was more confused, he's gay?

"then what offended you last time?", he finally asked.

Tae quirked an eyebrow and came closer to the younger, same as his eye level, standing few inches away and whispered playfully, "I said, I've been flirting, and that's what caught your attention. Are you that big of an airhead?"

Jungkook's eyes went wide realising the sudden decrease of distance.

"Hi, candy", a manly voice broke their moment. Both the boys whipped their heads in the direction of the voice. Taehyung quickly recognized the face.

"I didn't expect you here", the man came closer but still at a comfortable distance. Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his. Jungkook saw a tall muscular man with blue eyes, blonde hair and a crooked node smirking at Taehyung. Whose he?

"I see, you have your little boyfriend over there. No worries, we three can have fun together", hearing those words, Taehyung's grip around Jungkook's hand tightened. As if he was controlling his nerves. The man looked at Jungkook like a carnivore would look at his prey, as if he was just a piece of meat.

"What do you want?", Taehyung barked in anger.

"Ah, sweetheart, you absolutely know, what I want", the Gerald guy slurred smugly.

"Don't bother us", Taehyung said and tried to get through the man while dragging Jungkook with him. But the man quickly held Jungkook's other wrist and that halted Tae's steps.

"Leave him", the blue haired man glared.

"Nope. Either you or him. Or both", the guy replied shamelessly drunk.

It was evident that Taehyung's patience was at the brink of jumping off the cliff and drive him insane. He gritted his teeth and said, "I said, leave"

"Or what? Oh candy, why don't you come if you're so desperate on saving him. I bet you'll have a good nigh---", a punch landed on the guy's nose and blood started oozing out. He fell on the ground with a thud, crying in pain while holding his hurting nose.

Taehyung's eye balls were about to pop out when he realised Jungkook had punched the guy in the face. Shocked at the scene. Taehyung kept juggling shocked glances between Jungkook and Gerald.

"Are you gonna kiss his pain away now?", the younger yelled in urgency, and the elder shook his head, "C'mon what're you waiting for then? Run!", that was last Taehyung heard before they fled from the scene. Running like crazy.


Taekook were catching their breath on reaching the hotel complex. After a few moments, Jungkook said, "inform Jimin hyung and sleep at my place tonight. It's not safe to loiter in the streets at this hour"

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙂𝙤 | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now