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"do you wanna cuddle?"

It was as if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water over the blue haired male. He was frozen, stupefied. Jungkook... wants to cuddle?

The elder couldn't believe his ears. Neither he could tell if he was day dreaming? It felt like the younger did mumble the words in his sleep. But did he really mean it? Taehyung didn't know. What if, it's just his desperate and sleep deprived ass, assuming stuff? He would literally dig a grave and willingly bury himself alive of disappointment.

"Tae?", the younger grumbled again in a sleepy raspy voice.

"Huh?", was all Tae could say.

"Come", the younger said, stretching his arm and patting the space that he made for the elder to sleep.

Was he dreaming?

He was dreaming?

But, why does it feel real then? 

"Taeeeee, come fast. I wanna sleep cuddling you", the younger slurred in sleep.

A blush creeped up the elder's cheeks. Thanking his angels for finally blessing him with this much awaited moment. Without wasting any further time, the blue haired male, parted the blanket a little and hesitantly fit himself into the little space provided by the younger. the ravenette though completely oblivious to the fact that his actions made Taehyung a complete blushing mess. The younger shuffled a little in his sleep and made the elder's head plop on his forearm. And oh my god, Taehyung could feel his muscles flexing under his head. His ears were red from the heat of blush. 

As if this wasn't enough, Jungkook's next actions definitely turned Tae's body combustible, that was ready to explode any moment. With his other arm, he snaked it around the elder's small waist and tugged him towards himself, spooning him. When the blue haired boy's back collided with the younger's front, his soul left his body. Oh my god, we're close!!! His mind exclaimed in excitement. The elder could feel his chest rising and falling peacefully against his back. He could feel his breath, oh my god, his breath fanning, tickling his neck and ear. Taehyung wasn't sure if he would be able to survive this night, but he was surely grateful for his guardian angels to bless him with this moment.


Jungkook wasn't sure, when did they end up in such a position, facing each other, cuddling, legs entangled and chests pressed to one another. It was still time before morning, but Jungkook couldn't sleep, not when such a beautiful and handsome male slept so close to him. 

He did remember waking up a few hours ago, to the blue hair boy leaning closer. Was he going to kiss me? He did ask earlier, but the boy didn't respond to his question. So he didn't push further, though he wanted to know, if he was going to get kissed?

He felt like the elder was restless, so the younger assumed that maybe due to the unfamiliar environment and the bed, the elder wasn't able to sleep. Which was normal, something that Jungkook was too familiar with, so he ended up suggesting or rather declaring that they should cuddle. He was so sleepy that he didn't have the patience to let the elder contemplate between the invisible options, hence he just straightforward declared. It was something that he learned over time, whenever he wasn't able to sleep himself, a cuddle would definitely fix the problem. 

So it was almost a pretty natural solution you see, easy peasy. But why...why was he feeling butterflies doing hoola hoop in his stomach? please stop! he doesn't even like me like that! he mentally scolded himself for feeling too giddy at the moment. Jungkook slightly rubbed his belly and pouted at the thought of not being liked by the handsome blue haired. He took a deep sigh, hand still on his belly, too engrossed in drowning in self pity when...he felt a soft hand twinning his gesture. The younger lifted his eyes and met the sleepy almond ones.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙂𝙤 | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now