04 - dimmed lights

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When we arrived at the location the club was already full and many people were standing around. Luckily George made a reservation and therefore a small man guided us to a table in the back of the dark club. Loud music was coming out of the speakers and I felt how my mood was getting better and better every minute.

"To our podiums and your seventh place." George said and we raised our glasses a little later.

We chatted about the race today and also the upcoming ones before we started talking about more private stuff like what George and Alex ad done during the summer break. Every time the conversation tended to go into my direction or Spain I just quickly changed the topic and pushed the memory way back in my head, I just didn't want to think about it right now.

I managed it quite well but when Charles appeared in my view it was al gone and immediately our conversation the other day came back to my mind.

"Hello guys, celebrating your podiums?" he questioned and greeted us with a friendly punch.

A fake smile was laying on my lips when I quickly looked through the club if I could sport Carlos. When the Monegasque was here the Spaniard couldn't be far.

"How was your race, I saw that the Ferrari crew wasn't happy with your drive." Alex said and I sighed.

Thinking and talking about Ferrari and Carlos was the least I want at the moment which was why I excused myself and stood up. I walked aimlessly through the crowd towards the bar where I ordered another drink. Maybe alcohol could help me forget Carlos and this whole thing, just for tonight.

While I was standing at the bar and sipping my drink a blond woman came up to me.

"Hey you look lonely, maybe you want some company."

At first I didn't pay much attention to her but she came closer and slightly touched my arm. She was beautiful no doubt and a couple o years I wouldn't have waited to kiss her but now nothing on her attracted me. I, or better the alcohol in me, though of touching her and maybe kissing her but immediately Carlos came back to my mind.

"You are really beautiful but sorry I can't" I slurred, which was due to the alcohol that was slowly taking effect.

The image of Carlos in my head got more and more real and blurred out so I quickly ordered another drink and emptied it. The blonde was still standing next to me but her arm was now around my waist and her breath next to my ear on my neck.

"I am sure you can." she whispered and came even closer.

Her other hand let go of the drink she was holding on the bar and went on the front of my shirt. My mind was shouting and saying no but with the alcohol in my blood I couldn't react as fast. Only when her hand slid down to my middle I realized what was happening. Even though she was beautiful and definitely younger-Landos type, my body didn't react.

This quickly remembered me of Carlos and our touches. We just need to kiss for a bit or I had to feel his hands on my body and was already more than turned on but now nothing happened.

"Stop it please." I blurred out and to my surprise she stopped and moved her hand away, but her breath was still next to my ear.

"Okay, let's have a dance before so you see how much fun I am."

A shiver ran down my back but not because i was happy with her suggestion. But the alcohol of my couple drinks was doing his part and I couldn't really resist until I heard a deep voice behind me and felt an strong arm around my waist, which pulled me from the woman.

"I think he prefers a dance with his boyfriend."

The blonde quickly apologized and disappeared into the crowd where she came from. My brain and body were too slow and therefore I watched after her nto the people and dimmed lights before i slowly turned around in the arms, that saved me.

"What are you doing to me tiger." I heard his hot voice next to me ear and immediately got goosebumps.

"Carlos... What are you doing here?"

A smile appeared on his face and his eyes quickly fell down to my lips before looking up again.

"You. Can't. Be. Near. Me. Team. Orders." I said slowly, poking his muscular chest with every word.

Instead of answering me he pulled me even closer and hugged me. After a couple of seconds I heard his quiet voice again and he leaned back to look me into the eyes.

"I tried." he whispered and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"I don't want to be away from you Carlos. Please forgive me and be my boyfriend again." I blurred out some words that my alcohol influenced brain gave to me.

The expression on his face changed and he looked at me with a questioning look.

"Forgive you? I was never mad at you, after all it was my fault. I shouldn't have posted this picture but I was so in love with you."

He paused after he realized what he just said.

"You were in love with me?" I asked like a little kid that couldn't believe it.

Suddenly the alcohol wasn't that present anymore in my body and I just repeated his words in my mind. Love, he said love. My gaze went down but than I felt Carlos finger under my chin that lifted my face again to look him into the eyes.

"I am Lando. I love you and of course I am still your boyfriend that never changed."

All the loud music and the hundred people around us disappeared for a moment ad all I saw was Carlos. I overheard the boyfriend part but these three words before gave my all kinds of new feelings. He loved me.

I wanted to say something but suddenly my view became blurry and everything include Carlos started to turn around. Also my legs started to shake and at the same moment they gave out everything went black.

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