05 - everybody knows

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There was a knock on the door when I slowly woke up.

"Carlos come out or I will come in."

Carlos? Why Carlos and where was I. My eyes were still to heavy to open and I hold my breath when I felt a person going around the bed.

"I am coming mate."

A shiver ran down my back as I heard his voice with the unique Spanish accent. I didn't dare to move and therefore waited until the door opened and I heard quiet words before it closed again from the outside.

Slowly I blinked a few times before carefully sitting up. I immediately felt my head and groaned while I closed my eyes again for a moment. When I looked around I noticed that I wasn't in my hotel room, it was very similar to mine but definitely not mine. What happened yesterday? The last thing I remembered was going out with Alex and George.

 After a couple of minutes I got up and saw a small note on the table.

Take this and text me later.

Next to it was a pill and a glass of water, which I both took and swallowed. Only now I realized that I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore. Instead I had a shirt and shorts of, I believe, Carlos on and sniffed it reflexively as its wonderful scent hit my nostrils.

What did happen yesterday and why was I know here? Did we had sex? This thought came up very soon but I banned it and even had to laugh about it. Of course not, I would remember it. But why was I here now, in his clothes?

I jumped when my phone suddenly rang. I looked for it and quickly found it next to the bed on the floor. Without looking I picked the call up.

"Lando where are you, our flight leaves in forty minutes and we knocked at your door for ages." I heard Georges outraged voice on the other end of the line.

"I am... ah yeah... actually"

"Lando where the hell are you?" I could now here Alex shouting in my ear.

"At Carlos room." I mumbled but they heard it and it was quiet for a second, "But I will be there in one minute."

With this I ended the call and quickly looked for my clothes, that were laying on the table. Without changing back into mine I left the room after watching out for any people on the corridor. As fast as I could I ran down the stairs to my room, where Alex and George were standing in front.

"Man what happened to you, you look awful." 

Thanks George. For longer explanations wasn't time so I quickly packed my things and we left for the airport. Only on the plane we could catch our breath and than my friends raised an eyebrow and looked curious at me.

"What happened yesterday?"

In the faces of them I could see that this wasn't the question they had expected from me but I truly didn't remember anything. George just laughed and let Alex telling the story while he took his phone out.

"We went out to celebrate your podiums and so you can forget about your complicated thing with Carlos."

As soon as he said his name I got goosebumps again but tried to focus on Alex words.

"After some drinks and time Charles joined us and we started talking about their race because it didn't went well for Ferrari as we know. You didn't want to hear all this, well obviously, and left towards the bar. When we wanted to go a couple of hours later we couldn't find you and assumed you already went back. But what happened in between I can't tell you."

"Maybe I could." George slowly said and our heads shoot towards him.

The Mercedes driver sighed and turned his phone to us so we could see the display.

Carlos Sainz's secret boyfriend finally revealed. Is it his former team colleague Lando Norris?

I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes for a moment.

"And that's not all, there is a video."

George clicked something on his phone before turning it towards us once again. Even it was a bit blurry and the light was very bad it clearly showed Carlos and me at the bar of the club. The worst was, he had his arm around my waist which was clearly to see on the video. Even though it lasted just a few seconds there was also a picture of me leaving with him.

I sighed and closed my eyes once again. Suddenly I had a flashback of that moment and I saw that woman in front of me, how she touched my and how Carlos came up and pulled me back. His deep voice next to my ear and his touch on my waist. His words. I love you. It hit me like a thunderstorm and I widened my eyes.

"What, do you remember something?"

I ignored Alex question and felt how my pulse raised. Carlos said that he loved me and I didn't responded. He must be hurt about that and must think that I didn't feel the same. But now it was to late and the whole world would know about us. 

Probably he blamed me for it because I got myself drunk and he had to rescue me. He had said he tried to stay away so I clearly messed up his plan and know everything was out. He would lose his seat and maybe I would too. Everybody would hate us and he would hate me too. Why was I just such a mess. I was so lucky with him and now I destoryed everything.

"Lando are you okay?" Georges asked and my friends looked at me worried.

"Everything is my fault."

"No!" they both nearly shouted at me and I looked at them in horror.

"It is not your fault Lando. You shouldn't blame yourself, nobody should blame themselves because they love someone. And if Ferrari didn't understand that they are idiots because you and Carlos are perfect together and they have no right to destroy your relationship."

George agreed with Alex and they both put a hand on my shoulder. I quickly told them about what happened yesterday and what Carlos said and they meant it showed how much I would mean to him and that he wasn't mad at me for anything.

They also said it would probably be the best if I text him and only there I remembered his note for this morning where he had said I should text him later. But what should I say now, after everything went to the public. Would he see me as before now or would he regret his words for yesterday. I had to know because otherwise the unknown would kill me so I decided to text him.

Hi Carlos, thank you for tonight and of course yesterday. As you might have seen someone took photos of us and they now know that you are dating me. I am so sorry about this and that I put you in such a position, but I hope we could talk about it. x Lando

I starred at the message the remaining flight and bite nervously on my lower lip while reading it again and again. Suddenly he came online but after a minute he went offline again. My heart dropped and I looked at Alex and George horrified.

"What does he say?"


My heartbeat increased again as he came back online and started to write something. I was happy that he decided to text me back and not let me on read but as I saw his message my jaw dropped and a small tear ran down my cheek. Alex and George looked at me in horror and I showed them the chat.

Hope you feel better and no problem. Yes I saw it and therefore think it is better if we keep distance for a while. Don't text me or call me and have a safe flight home.


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And big thank you for all the reads and stars!!!

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