Chapter 11

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They all came back from their small vacation. They really enjoyed their time together. After returning they went back to their normal life. Sarvi, Adil and Sahil got to know that their stupid university has released the exam dates which is from the next week. They cursed their university but at last started preparing for it as Tahir has given them a warning stating " If anyone of them failed even in a single subject, there will be a cut off of their pocket money along with the outings and they will also be given a punishment by the Devil himself." and after listening to this they knew its better to not take it lightly.

Time skip

Today was the last exam and now Sarvi is finally done with her exam. After so much crying, studying and cursing the university.

Sarvi P.O.V

After coming back from my University I changed my clothes and jumped into my bed. I'm so tired and exhausted because of my exams. This stupid university of mine suddenly released exam date, like how can they even do this to innocent and delicate students like me, and I had to study all night for them because of the Devil Tahir Khan. One is this stupid university of mine that I wanna kick and other is this Devil, like how can one give exams just after returning from a VACATION. Speaking of Devil I haven't really seen him after we came from our vacation, maybe he again got busy with the love of his life his work, anyways why do i care I should just focus on all the rest I can get now, and also to enjoy my life as much as I can while staying away from the radar of the Devil. Now I should get my precious sleep that I have missed this whole exam time.

End of P.O.V

As Sarvi started to fall asleep the door of her room banged open with a loud noise causing her to sit up with shock. She looked around her surrounding and she saw Adil and Sahil on the door, who looked they have ran a marathon. She looked at them and said " What the heck are you guys doing?"

They looked at her and said "Come downstairs fast elders have asked everyone to assemble in the living room, and make sure you don't look like the witch you are looking like right now when you come down." after that they immediately left.

Sarvi irritatingly got up from her bed and after making sure she look fine she left for the living room. As she entered she saw everyone present there even Tahir making her think it must be something important. She was looking at him when he looked back at her making her panic and she immediately broke the eye contact and went to sit beside the twins. After everyone settled down Faiz Khan cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention, he said " Now that the kids have returned from their trip and their exams have also gotten over we should do Fiza's rukhsati."

Everyone once again got excited especially the kids. Sarvi, Adil, Sahil hooted loudly along with Parisha and Arushi who were on the call, making Fiza look a tomato, which made Tahir glare at them. They all became quite again.

Faiz then continued " we will do rukasati after 2 weeks we have talked about it with Walih's parents also. As not much time is left we will start shopping and preparing from tomorrow, today you can make list of things we have to get." everyone agreed and then departed to their respective rooms.

Hello guys,
I'm back with another update and like always I'm again late. Well I wanna give fast update but my lazy self just can't help it, anyways hope you guys like it.
Also things are gonna get even better after the next chapter so stay tuned and till then bye.
Also don't forget to like and share you thoughts on this chapter.
Love you all 💜

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