Chapter 5

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Avika's POV

Was he serious about it.?
How did he know about me being at the cafe?

There were so many questions invading my mind and not a single answer to it. But the main thing which kept revolving in my mind was 'fake marriage' and how could I make it look real?

When I had thought of taking Vihaan as my boyfriend in public events, this idea didn't strike my mind and it would have been a little easier to manipulate the media about my and vihaan's relation.

I have been moving in my room for the past 20 minutes  and still there's no solution I am getting which could help me get out of this.

What if I left all this and eloped from the country? But I can't leave IRP. I have worked days and nights for it. Two years! Two years are not less.

The ringing sound from my phone broke the chain of thoughts and I saw the name which flashed 'Rooh'.

She isn't aware of these messes and I can't drag her into this. The only best thing I could do was to not answer her call and meet Avyansh Rathore.

Taking the keys I left the room and the first thought I had was to go to his office building.

I could have dropped a text or an email but my curiosity dragged me here.

I was standing in front of the building and the surrounding itself screamed money and luxury. Rathore's have been in the top 10 of the infrastructure field for 5 years.

No doubt everyone is ready and wanting to make the deals with them.

When I was new to the publication agency, I worked my ass off to get into this position while my father left it at the verge of bankruptcy.

He had worsened the relation with employees, shareholders and now with Raghav he tried licking the ass for Rathore's.

Getting out of the car I stepped inside the building
"I am here to meet Mr. Rathore" I said when a woman blocked my steps

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked raising her eyebrow

"No because I don't need one" I said keeping my voice stern.

She didn't reply and whispered something in the ear of another employee

"Sorry you can't meet him" she said turning back

"Sorry you can't stop me" I replied to her back mimicking her tone and went towards the elevator but my chest collided with a hard body and my leg twitched.

I took the support of his broad arms to balance myself and looked up when I found him staring at me.

Avyansh's POV

As soon as I saw her in the camera, I left the room the next second. A smirk played on my lips when I entered the elevator.

She is here which means she is agreeing to my proposal. The door of the elevator pinged open when my body collided with a woman.

It wasn't any woman but her. I didn't move and held her arms when she was about to fall at the floor and make a scene over here.

"I am so sorry sir. I was asking her to leave but-

She stopped before completing her sentence when I showed her my palm

"She doesn't need an appointment" I said before holding her from the arm to not let her fall.

Her brows frowned when I bent down and held her in a bridal style when a gasp left her mouth.

"Now I can't let you walk like this. Can I?" I looked straight because her eyes were throwing daggers at me.

She fisted the material of my shirt for the support and gritted her teeth but said nothing. Opening the door from my one leg I stepped inside and made her sit on the couch.

"Do you need an ointment?" I asked her
"No. I am okay" she replied fixing her dress and sat straight

"Care to tell me why you here?" I asked biting my inner cheeks. Even though I knew why she was here, I wanted to listen to that from her mouth.

"Uh.. The thing you said about. Yesterday" she said

"I said many things Ms Raghuvanshi" I said keeping my one hand on the armrest.

"Something about papers" she said

"It wasn't just a 'paper' but a contract where you and I will be following the rules and it would be a marriage cum contract" I said clearing the frown from her face.

She raised her eyebrow in question and I passed her the file at the desk

"Have a look"

She turned the pages one by one and I was looking for some reaction at her face which wasn't visible or maybe she is better at hiding.

"All this things for one year?" She asked raising her voice

"Do you want it forever?" I asked biting the cheeks to stop myself from chuckling.

I had mentioned in the contract about our marriage for 1 year and public appearance on the event when needed.
Everything was true except this '1 year'.

"And what after 1 year?" She asked getting up from the chair

" We can say that it didn't work or we fell out of love, which the media would easily believe at" I said

"I still don't find it right" she said

"You can take a month to reconsider this and maybe contact me again on your wedding ni-

"Shut up!" She said with anger banging her hands on the desk

I cringed internally at my words but it was needed to push her buttons and maybe this was working

"Tomorrow, 1:30 PM at my penthouse"
She said  turning back

Getting up from the chair I followed her and opened the door.

"Thank you for accepting it" I said with a smile to which she just responded with a glare.

She moved out of the room, her shoulder brushing my chest and the vanilla scent invading my senses.

I exhaled a long breath which even I didn't know I was holding.

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