Chapter 20

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Avika's POV:

Everything looks so blurry and I am not even able to open my eyes properly. It feels so heavy and my head..ouchhh it's hurting. Where the fuck am I?? Wait..My hands..It's tied. What the actual fuck in the fucking life is going on!!

I tried looking around me only to meet with darkness. There was a little sunshine coming inside from a small hole through which I could see some broken piece of vases and ciggerates lying on the floor. This room was filled with the smell of cheap alcohols and dusts. My skin were itching and I looked at my legs which were double tied and my hands were tied too. Ughhhhj this hurts. I am not even able to picturise everything properly. All the memories are blur and all I can remember when a man came from behind and he...he...drugged me? Waitt I guess he did because my head is hurting too badly.

I tried loosening the ropes but this was not helping the situation at all rather I could feel the pain in my back and bruises over my hands.

"I don't think he has gained the consciousness yet." I heard a man saying outside of the room.

Who are they and Who are the talking about? I tried peeping more into their convo so I could get the hint of this environment.

"She was shot but this woman had sent her to the hospital on time. And I heard she is out of danger now" -unkown

"Hmm. But Avyansh's Doctor said me he is gaining the consciousness and his body has started responding back to normal"

This voice sounded very familiar. Wait..they are talking about Ansh? As in my Ansh. Are they planning to attack him? No no no. And that woman? For sure he was talking about Roohi. Now now I get everything.

I tried moving slowly and wiggling towards the broken piece of vases.
Ughhh this is so toughhh..

I just have to get out of this place as soon as possible. My Ansh needs me. My Roohi needs me.

I went a little more further dragging the chair and bent to pick the piece of the vase. Holding it from aside I started moving it over the tied rope over my wrists with the other hand.

Keeping the flow of friction over the rope I kept rubbing it and it started leaving the other ends. My head snapped at the door when it suddenly opened with a loud bang.

I kept the piece of vase hidden in my hands so that he doesn't notice it.
His eyes were already on me and he was staring at me like an eagle who got his prey.

He came closer and I could see glimpse of his face through the little light coming inside. His face had a scar and he smelled like ciggerates and dusts of this room.

His presence was not only intimidating but I had this intuition within me saying 'go punch this bastard Avika'. I was trying to losen the rope on my wrist and freeing my hands.

He was getting close to me which made my instincts rise and I punched him on his face which made him lose his balance and I stood from the chair. Clenching his jaw he was coming more closer and I pushed him but his grip was so strong that he held me by arms and pushed me towards the wall. I losed my balance and my head got hit with the door.

"Why are you making this tough woman?" His voice echoed in the room.
Tough? Tough my foot!!
I got straight and turned to face him. He was so close which gave me all the negative vibes and intuitions.

"Avika Raghu-

"Rathore. Mrs Avika Avyansh Rathore. And who are you?" I voiced stopping him in the mid.

"Who am I and Why am I here, These questions are none of your business. All you should know is that.. you are stuck here. Stuck with me and no body is here to save you."

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