Chapter 6

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It's been a week now and we are all settled in im doing good in school but Alex mom is driving me insane "come on let's got to my room" said Alex "okay Noah is asleep so we have to be quiet" I said then we walked to his room the second I stepped foot in his room we heard Jane shout "stay in the living room!" "Oh my god what's her problem" he said i don't know" he came down the stairs into the kitchen "why" he asked "because I don't want her in your room "mom we were just going to do out homework!" He glared at her "I don't believe you!" She said I pulled out my homework from my picket "see we were you going to do our math homework" I said as I showed her she rolled her eyes "fine but do it in the living room she said I grabbed his hand and walked out the front door "what up with her ever since I moved in I can never see you if I do she has to be on the room!" I said "I don't know what's up with her" he said "come on let's go somewhere" he said as he opened the door to the car "okay"I said "but what about Noah?" I asked "my moms home everything will be fine" he said I nodded my head. We drove off. Once we got there we were at a movie theater the second we parked I turned to him "why would you bring me here!" I yelled "I thought you would like it?" He said calmly "no i don't is that all you can say i thought you would like it? Huh what is wrong with you, no wonder your mom doesn't trust you! I slashed out then I got out of the car and ran. "Where are you going!" He shouted I didn't stop running, I ran so far I couldn't see the car. I finally stopped and fell to the floor. I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air as tears ran down my face. I don't know what happend I guess seeing the theater just made me panic. Alex finally caught up to me and ran to where I was sitting "Emilia!" He said as he sat down next to me.

I sniffled in tears "I'm sorry" I whispered "what why are you sorry" he said concerned "I lied to you and I can't keep lying because i love you I really do I didn't mean for it to go this far I couldn't stop!" I said as I squinted my eyes so hard tears just kept running down my face "what are you talking about you couldn't stop?!" He tilted my chin up "Emme" he said "that's not my name" I said quietly "what?!" He asked "then what is it?" "It's Violet" I said "why did you lie to me?!" He said "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I said I looked at his beautiful green eyes "it's okay clearly you were upset about this place I'm sorry" he said "no you didn't know it's not your fault!" I cried "what happened here if I may ask" Alex said "my old best friend took me here for the first time and that was the night he was kidnapped and almost killed and I found out it was my parents and I screamed and I was upset with them I haven't seen them since they died in a fire shortly after and then Oliver died and I'm just a reck" I cried He stared at me in shock "oh my god I'm so sorry" he hugged me "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just I love you so much I didn't mean to lie to you" I said "hey, I love you to and it's okay you did what you did to try to move on and forget your old life it's okay" he said as he grabbed my hand I smiled in tears "thank you so much for understanding I don't want to lose you" I said quietly he smiled "let's go home and see Noah he said as we drove off.

Once we got home it was about nine at night and Alex's mom Was waiting on the couch "where were you to!" She jumped up from her seat "we were at the movies" he said "what where you don there!" She yelled "mom I'm tired of u having to know what I do every second of every day and control what I do mom I'm 16 i need my privacy and I need to be able to hang out with friends and do my homework without you yelling at me,okay?!" Yelled Alex his mom stood there in shock then just walked away to her room. "Was I too harsh?" He asked "a little but you said what needed to be said "I know but she's my mom she was just worried about me" he said "yes but she took it too far to we're she wouldn't let you leave the house you said what you said, she needed to hear that " I said he nodded "well I'm going to go change" I said says I walked to my room. "Sissy where have you been!?" He cried "I was scared" he said "I'm sorry sissy needed to talk to Alex about something" I said quietly "oh okay" he said then I laid him back down in his bed and tucked him in for bed.

In the morning we went to school in 4th period (which was math) I sat in my seat to see that we had a substitute teacher. I was happy because I hated my other teacher but I realized Alex didn't show up but he came to school we walked together, so why wasn't he here? After the 4th period I went to look for him but he wasn't there he was gone. I texted him but no reply so I went to his house. "Alex?" I closed out "yes?" Alex walked into the living room "where were you? I was looking for you, you scared me!" I shouted "i'm sorry for worrying you I just didn't feel well so I went home" he said "oh it's okay" I said as I threw my backpack to the floor "I'm just glad your okay" I said as I hugged him let's go watch a Movie at home this time" we both laughed "that sounds great!" I said we sat down on the couch "I'll go make some popcorn" he said "okay I'll come help you" I said as I got off the couch and ran to the kitchen. "Noah what are you doing In here, you started me" I said "sorry I was thirsty" he said "Noah what's in your pocket and why is it moving!?" I asked concerned "oh just a kitty" he mumbled "what!?" I Said as I I pulled it out of his pocket it was a black and white kitten with bright blue eyes. "where did you get it?" I asked "I found it in the backyard" he said "so he's a stray" I said "no he had an owner but I saw the owner drop in off on the side of the road" he said "oh my poor thing" I said I'll bring it to the vet tomorrow but for now go get some rest" I said "okay" he said as he walked back to his room.

In the morning I took the cat to the vet and he had all his vaccines and everything so he was healthy so I decided to keep him because I know Noah would be happy! When I got home I put the cat in Noah's room so when Alex came home with Noah from kindergarten he would see the cat in his room. Alex and Noah walked through the door and walked to his room to get his toy but instead saw the cat."oh my go!" Screamed Noah in excitement he ran and hugged the car "for me?" He asked "yes" I said quietly "omg thank you so much!" He screamed and hugged me then the cat again. It's been 2 months since I've been living Here and I quite love it but I do wish I had my own apartment again without someone's mom criticizing everything I do.

This day was a little weird. I opened my eyes to see Alex and Noah staring at me "oh my god you're awake!" Cried Alex "yeah so why are you guys staring at me?" I asked "you don't remember anything that happened last night?" He asked "no? What's going on!?" I was confused. "Last night you tried to get hit by a car!" He looked at me like I was a lost puppy. "what!?" I asked last night me and you got into a big argument you just lashed out at me saying how your life is worthless and how I never love you, then you stormed off and ran into the road saying that it's better this way!l he cried "but your right I should have just left you there to die and your right I never loved you I was just bored I never loved you no one did just die!" I sat up panting, gasping for air it, was just a dream. My heart was racing, my air was starting to close. Tears ran down my face. I didn't know what to do "help" I cried before I passed out. 

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