Chapter 33

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Hedas was right on time. It'd been weeks since their last meeting and things were beginning to change. Hedas came with another pot of dirt, larger than the first, and a wrapped package. The orange plant Hedas had given Briseis at their last meeting had been a blessing. Arachne was more busy than ever between her weaving and trying to find out who was responsible for the poisoning. As a result she wasn't able to bring food to them as frequently.

Hedas' powers were truly great. She was able to change the fruit from oranges, to strawberries, then grapes, and so on without even being in the room, without seeing the plant. Though the health of Briseis and Kegarta had continued its decline, the morsels of fruit from Hedas' plant was able to sustain them enough to stave off the worst. Hedas waved her hand over the pot of dirt and a melon appeared. From the wrapped package she produced a knife and cut into it. Briseis wasn't familiar with the melon type but it tasted wonderful. Hedas had also seen fit to bring bread loafs. The seventh wife of Mynes waited patiently while Briseis gorged herself.

"Can I take the rest of the bread to Kegarta?" Hedas brought enough to feed six and as hungry as Briseis was, she couldn't finish it all.

"Of course, that's why I brought it to you. The activity for the children has been all set up. My handmaiden, Issi, will escort them all to the hall where the demonstration will take place. It will be the unveiling of my powers. I'll make plants weave together to form animals and other amusements for them."

"That's far better than anything I could have planned for them."

"How goes the search for your poisoner?"

Briseis took another bite of the melon before speaking. "Our first instincts were correct, Umna is definitely behind it. The servant I took on, her name is Arachne, was able to see one of Umna's handmaidens giving a kitchen servant a vile. That servant then went on to sprinkle some of its contents on the food going to Kegarta and I, and only ours."

"What will you do with the handmaiden and servant after you come into power?"

"The handmaiden I was planning to expel from the palace, in fact I'm going to completely dismiss Umna's entire staff and replace them. Same with the kitchen girl."

Hedas raised an eyebrow. "The handmaidens likely all have homes to go back too. A kitchen servant may not be so lucky."

"Be that as it may, the girl may not have known what the vial contained at first, but seeing Kegarta's condition and my own every time she dropped the food off, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what was in that vile, yet she said nothing and didn't stop. That's not someone I want working down there ever again."

Hedas sighed. "I understand but if I may speak freely?"

"Go ahead."

"You would be well within your rights to dismiss the girl for what she's done. I will understand if you do. But in her case, perhaps you could show her mercy. I agree dismissing the handmaidens and replacing them is for the best, and it sends a clear message that you will not be trifled with. Question the kitchen servant, and if you feel her motivations were purely from fear of Umna, perhaps consider showing her more mercy than the handmaidens."

"Are you friends with the kitchen staff?"

"Not the kitchen staff here, but my best friend was a kitchen worker back home. Closer to me than even my own handmaidens."

"I will think on your words but offer no promise to comply."

Heads nodded. "Do as you feel the situation calls for."

"I have a question for you, Hedas. On my walks I've seen these blocked off structures on the left side of the city. They are oddly close to the palace. Do you know what they are?"

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