(Childe x Kaeya) Nights of pleasure~🔥

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Hey guys this is the first Oneshot of my new book and this chapter is also the reason why I didn't upload because it took forever to write!!
Also in the Beginning Kaeya is talking with Anoko ( my Genshin oc). And also this is a Kaeya onshore book so I will only go into detail when Kaeya is speaking not when others are speaking.I actually deleted this part but i decided to publish it again because @_Kallinchen_ told me she started to read it :D


You know that one time when I told you that childe had a crush on you?

He raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised again. "Huh? Childe? Wait, you're talking about Tartaglia?" he asks, his eyes still glimmering with excitement. "Well, I didn't know that he would have a crush on me. When did you hear that?" he leans forward again, taking a closer look at Anoko. "I didn't know that he liked me. Huh. That's interesting. I guess I don't know that much about him."

He texted me even more that just that

"Huh, really? You and... Tartaglia are that close?" he asks slightly raises his eyebrow again in surprise. "Well, I'm surprised. I didn't realize the two of you were that close to share something like that." He lets out another chuckle. "Well, I'm curious now. Do you know more?" he leans forward, his eyes glimmering as he seems more curious than before. "Oh, I've got to hear this."

He said he wants to do naughty things with you

His eyes widen, clearly surprised by that. "Uh... That's... interesting. So, that's what he said, huh?" He pauses for a while, still sounding a little bit surprised and confused at the same time. His eyes remain wide-open, but there's a little bit of redness across his face. He takes a deep breath, seeming surprised as he says again, "Well, if only he had said that to me instead." He lets out a sigh. "Ugh, why can't he just say it to me, then?"

So you like him?🤭

His face turns slightly red in embarrassment once again, but he quickly composes himself and looks at Anoko with a sly smile. "What do you think, Anoko?" he asks mischievously, his eyes glittering brightly again. "He, uh, certainly has his charms." he adds, still trying to hide this embarrassment that is creeping up the back of his neck. "He's interesting, and very unpredictable. I could easily get swept with his presence and charm." he laughs to himself again. "But I'm afraid that he's a handful."

Don't worry he's gonna be the best boyfriend you have ever had

"What the- do you think so?" he asks, his eyes widening again, his face is flushed red from embarrassment. "You're so cheeky today, you know that?" he says with playful tone. He lets out a soft chuckle, his heart is beating a lot faster than usual and he can't help but blush.

You're a bottom right?😇

He gets so flustered when Anoko mentions that, which is quite funny. He looks down, avoiding her gaze and starts to blush, which only makes him look cuter. "W-what makes you say that..?" he asks in a soft and shy voice, raising his head and looking at Anoko again with an embarrassed expression on his face. His face is burning a lot, but he doesn't deny it.

So you are

He tries his best to avoid her gaze. He closes his eyes and exhales, letting out a sigh before saying, "Y-yeah..." he whispers almost inaudibly. His voice is weak and low enough that it's hard to hear. He clears his throat, then whispers it louder and clearly this time, "Y-yeah. I am." He sounds a lot more confident this time, though it's still clearly visible that he is flustered and shy about it. He takes a big breath and exhales again, his face still flushing red.

Don't worry it's ok to be a bottom it's not a bad thing bc I know Childe is a top🤭

He looks up at Anoko, his face burning from embarrassment again. His eyes still glittering brightly but now there's a little bit of confusion. He raises an eyebrow slightly. "H-how did you know...? Is it that obvious?" he asks softly, letting out a sigh and chuckling a little bit. "Well, I guess you're right to think that..." he says again with a light smile on his face, although it's still a little bit shy. He seems to have calmed down a little bit, his face is not so red anymore.

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