(Kaeya x Albedo) Cuddle session ☁️

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*Albedo, Kaeya's roommate, was always engrossed in his art, spending countless hours in his room, leaving nothing for bonding. Despite living together for almost a year, it felt like Kaeya hardly knew him.*

*Noticing a notebook lying on the coffee table. It was open, revealing his sketches, and he wanted a peak. As he flipped through the pages, his eyes widened in surprise. The drawings were all of him  captured in various forms of art.*

''Kaeya, have you seen my sketch..book''

*Kaeya looks up at him, he sits crosslegged on the couch and looks through Albedos drawings with his glasses.*

"You mean this one?"

*Albedo freezes, looking very flustered with his cheeks flushed pink, he grabs the sketchbook from Kaeya and slams it shut.*

"..Please don't look at those.."

*he mutters under his breath*

*Kaeya chuckles a little and sat up straight, he took off his glasses.*

"What are you so shy about? They look awesome!"

*Albedo sighs, looking away as his cheeks burned bright red, he muttered quietly while hiding his face with the sketchbook.*

"Th-thank you..''

''But I'd wish you refrain from looking through my private work..''

"Alright, alright, sorry kiddo."

*Kaeya stood up and pats his head.*


*He muttered at the nickname, his cheeks flushing further with pink, he let out a frustrated groan, he pouted at him, looking away.*

''I'm not a kid you know.''

*Kaeya laughed.*

"I know but you're smaller than me so you certainly look like one~"

*Albedo pouted and looked up at him, he crossed his arms and huffed.*

''Hey! Just because I am short, doesn't mean I'm a child..''

"And you act like one~"

*Albedo flushed red at that comment and pouted.*

''Hey!! Why would you say that!?..I'm an adult just like you! Don't make fun of my height!''

*Kaeya laughed again.*

"You know what's good about being short?"

*Albedo was confused, he raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of his statement. He muttered and huffed softly as he listened to what Kaeya had to say.*


*he grinned.*

"Becauuuuseeee then I can do this~"

*he picks Albedo up bridal style.*

*Albedo let out a small 'eep!', he flushed tomato-red, and became a flustered mess in the other man's arms, being held like a dainty bride.*

*Kaeya laughs.*

"Why are you hiding your face? I wanna see it!"

*Albedo huffed in mild frustration, his head was turned away, his blush only became more noticeable on his cheeks.*

''Shut up.. You don't need to see my face..''

Oh? Is the little prince perhaps flustered?~

"Did Albedo blush from getting picked up by a tall, strong man?~"

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