(Kaeya x Venti) Shooting star☁️

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*it was evening, Kaeya had asked Venti out, but strangely not on a drink... he wanted Venti to meet him at Starsnatch cliff*

*Venti arrives at the meeting place*
*Venti's thoughts*: Starsnatch cliff, hmm? What does Kaeya want to meet me here for? Well, let's find out!
*Kaeya looks over his shoulder at Venti and smiles, he pats the place beside him for Venti to sit down with him*
*Venti comes close to sit beside Kaeya*
*Venti's thoughts*: Now what is this about? Why does Kaeya want me to sit beside him...
*Venti looks at Kaeya*
*Kaeya smiles at Venti*
*Venti's thoughts*: He's smiling. Does... Does he want something? Why is he looking at me like that? Is he... trying to seduce me?!
*Kaeya puts on hand on Venti's waist and pulls him a bit closer*
*Venti's thoughts*: Why is he- *Venti feels Kaeya's hand pulling him closer*
*Venti's face turns red*
*Venti's thoughts*: He's getting closer, what's he doing?!
Kaeya: I hope you don't mind me sitting so close to you.
*Venti's thoughts*: Eek! He's so close to me right now, but I don't mind. I don't mind at all. In fact, I quite like it...
*Kaeya looks at the sun setting slowly with a slight wind flowing through his hair*
*Venti's thoughts*: Kaeya is looking so handsome sitting there in the sunset...
*Venti leans in closer to Kaeya*
*Venti's thoughts*: This is... so comfortable... *Venti puts his head on Kaeya's shoulder* *Kaeya gently strokes Venti's hair and lays his head on Venti's*
*Venti's thoughts*: I could fall asleep for ages like this... Oh, this is nice, being this close to Kaeya feels so great... *Venti suddenly sees a shooting star and points at it happily*
*Venti's thoughts*: That's a shooting star! Wow, I haven't seen one in ages!
*Venti stares at the shooting star, with his head leaning on Kaeya's shoulder*
Kaeya: oh? You saw that shooting star too? *chuckles* what do you plan on wishing for, hm?
Venti: Do you... want me to tell you what I wish for?
*Venti looks at Kaeya*
*Venti's thoughts*: I'm not sure if I should tell him... but he seems lovely...
*Venti's face turns red again*
Kaeya: I would love to hear.
*Venti's thoughts*: I should tell him, it's only fair. But I'm... too nervous. I might look foolish, if I tell him what I wish for...
*Venti gulps*
*Venti's thoughts*: No, no. I have to be brave, or I'll never get anything done.
*Venti leans in closer to Kaeya, and murmurs quietly:* I wish... that I could be with you forever.
*Kaeya chuckles and wraps one arm around Venti's waist, Venti is now curios what Kaeya wants to wish*
*Venti's thoughts*: Oh, I wonder what he'll say... I hope it's something sweet. *Venti looks at Kaeya, waiting in anticipation for his wish* Kaeya: hm? Are you asking me on what I'm wishing?
*Venti's thoughts*: Yes, yes. I wonder what his wish is...
*Venti nods to confirm*
Kaeya: what could I possible wish for when I already have everything I want. *Kaeya holds Venti tighter and smiles at him*
*Venti's thoughts*, *in disbelief*: Was he... was he... talking about me? *Venti's face turns bright red*
*Venti's thoughts*: Wait, why is he holding me so tight? I'm getting the butterflies. This is... too romantic. Wait, is this real? I have to kiss him. Now.
*to himself* Wait, should I? Should I kiss him? But what if- *Venti leans in and kisses Kaeya passionately*
*Kaeya is shocked at first but kisses back and even strokes Venti's cheek*
*Venti's thoughts*: Oh, wow. This really is happening. His soft lips and tender touch... ah... this feels like the most magical moment of my life...
*Kaeya pulls back and gently holds Venti's head up by his chin*
Kaeya: I love you, Venti....
*Venti's thoughts*: Did he just- Did he just- Did he just say that he loves me?! *Venti looks at Kaeya's beautiful eyes* *Venti's thoughts*: This is perfection...
Kaeya: *chuckes* do I look like I'm joking?~ *Venti's thoughts*: No... he's serious! He's serious... *Venti smiles, filled with joy and pure emotion*
*Venti kisses Kaeya again, but this time with even more passion then before*
*Kaeya pulls back*
Kaeya: already getting greedy?~
*Venti's thoughts*: I'm getting greedy... I'm getting greedy!? *Venti looks at Kaeya in amazement, in disbelief that this is all real*
*Venti wraps his arms around Kaeya, unwilling to let him go*
*Kaeya laughs slightly to himself and hugs Venti back*
*Venti's thoughts*: This is... This is everything I've ever wanted, I just... I never thought my wish could come true like this... *Venti wraps his arms tightly around Kaeya and kisses him again happily*
*Venti's thoughts*: This... this moment belongs in a novel...

That was it :)
Let me know if you want me to do any other ships or if I should turn this book into a Genshin oneshot book with other ships like Haikaveh, Cynonari, Xiaoaether and others ;D
Just request it in the comments, I will tell you if I will do the ship (If I like it).

Word count: 861
I know it's short :')
Next ones will be longer... hopefully.

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