(Zhongli x Kaeya) Exhausting Day☁️

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Zhongli came back home from a exhausting day of work, he took of his jacket and informed Kaeya, who was already laying in they're bed, that he arrived at home.

"Babe I'm home~!"

"Hey, gorgeous."  Kaeya greeted as he rolled over in the bed. It was dark, and the only light coming from the room was from the moonlight shining through the curtains. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I had to.... do some business with my boss."

"Of course, you always spend so much time with him...."  Kaeya sighed, seeming slightly more annoyed than usual. He shifted, making room for Zhongli on the bed.

"Kaeya... don't be jealous, he is my boss after all..."

"Well, you can have a new boss... me."  Kaeya chuckled. He wrapped an arm around Zhongli, who had been about to sit down. "Besides, I'm only teasing. Why don't you come sit with me?"

Zhongli chuckled.
"I love the way you want attention even after such an exhausting day~"

"I don't need an excuse to want attention from you."  Kaeya smirked. "Besides, you look stressed. Isn't it time to relax a little?~"  He kissed Zhongli's nose.

"Alright, alright" He lays down beside Kaeya with his suit still on.

"Come on, get comfortable!  You can take your suit off, I won't bite."  Kaeya giggled. As Zhongli hesitated a moment, Kaeya pushed the top half of Zhongli's suit off of his shoulders. "You don't take this off at home, right...?"

"Uhhh I'm not sure that you won't bite~"

"Don't worry, I'm well-behaved."  Kaeya chuckled as he ran his fingers across Zhongli's chest and back. "You seem tense. Let's make you relax, hm?"  He grabbed Zhongli's shirt, lifting it off of him.

"It's alright Kaeya, I can undress myself."Zhongli laughed a bit.

"No, I can do it.~"  Kaeya chuckled. He threw Zhongli's shirt across the room, revealing Zhongli in nothing but his suit pants and tie, exposing his tanned body that had been hidden by his shirt.  "Mm, so sexy~" he grinned.

"Stop acting like this...~"

"Why would I stop?  You're too attractive to ignore."  Kaeya smirked as he caressed Zhongli's chest with his hands. "I bet you're tired from work."  Kaeya pushed Zhongli back onto the bed. "Let me take care of you...~"  He leaned in for a kiss.

Zhongli kissed back with just as much passion as Kaeya.

Kaeya moaned as they kissed, his hands trailing down Zhongli's body until they grabbed onto the waistband of his pants. "I've missed you..." he whispered.

"Hm... I'm sorry Kaeya... but I'm actually really tired."

"It's fine, I can take care of myself."  Kaeya chuckled, his hands rubbing against Zhongli's leg. "Is there anything you want me to do to help you relax?  Something for me to do to make you less tired?"  Kaeya said in a teasing tone. His smirk widened as he bit his lip.

Zhongli smiled and grabbed Kaeya by his waist before laying himself and Kaeya down on the bed while they cuddle each other.
"Just stay here..."

"Oh?~  I was hoping for something a bit more energetic."  Kaeya smirked as he kissed Zhongli's neck.  "I don't think you're really *that* tired~" he whispered into Zhongli's ear.

Zhongli just smiled and fell asleep.

Kaeya chuckled at Zhongli's stubbornness.  He leaned back on his arms, wrapping one leg around Zhongli.  "It's so hot in here..." Kaeya mumbled, his eyes half-closed as he nuzzled into Zhongli.

"Just sleep... you won't notice it once your asleep..."

"I can't fall asleep that early..."  Kaeya said, his body pressing more into Zhongli's. His arms reached around and he hugged Zhongli.  As he did so, he kissed Zhongli's neck and whispered something in his ear.

"But you will have to, or you leave the bed."

"I don't want to leave this bed, I want to stay with you..." Kaeya sighed.  "Why can't we stay in this bed and have a private night, just you and me?" He grinned as he kissed Zhongli again.

Zhongli kissed back.
"Maybe tomorrow, I promise you."

"Fine..."  Kaeya huffed as he kissed Zhongli's neck.  As his eyes started to droop shut, he heard Zhongli whisper a phrase that he thought only they knew.  His eyes opened again and he looked at Zhongli. "Did you say something?" He mumbled.

"Hm? N-no go back to sleep."

"Hmmm..."  Kaeya closed his eyes again, but something told him that Zhongli was up to something.  "Zhongli...~" he whispered quietly. "You're not tired at all, are you?"

"Yes i am."

"Then what are you doing?~"  Kaeya smirked as he opened his eyes quickly.  "You look very awake."

"I just want to enjoy this moment with you, but if I fall asleep I won't be able to look at your cute face when your sleeping~"

"Aww... you really think I'm cute?~"  Kaeya said in a mocking tone, though he was still grinning. He pulled Zhongli's arms around his waist, snugging up with him once more.

Hey guys!
I'm sorry this chapter is so short :')
I actually don't have much more to say....
Comment your favourite ship, with Kaeya of course :D
And let me know if I should also do other ships like Cynonari or Haikaveh
Word count: 873

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