(Thoma x Kaeya) Personal Stripper☁️🔥

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Thoma walks into a street full of strippers that you can hook up with, Thoma had a long day so he needed some affection. Thoma already watched a stripper but it wasn't good enough for him so he searched the whole place for that someone, he has seen him on Instagram a few times and wants to see him and his beautiful face himself, Kaeya. Thoma finally found the place where Kaeya works and he asks a lady of Kaeya is still working, she called for Kaeya and Kaeya walked towards the lady and Thoma in a bunny suit, his hips were showing and Kaeya had bunny ears on, of course he was wearing tights too.
Just so you understand what's happening :D

*Suddenly, Thoma got nervous looking at Kaeya. His eyes were locked at him all the time.* 
Thoma's mind: What the heck is wrong with me? Why cant I take my eyes off him?!
*But that's because Kaeya has a really nice thighs and figure, his eyes was basically glued to it and he was just gazing at him. Thoma couldn't hold his excitement.* 
*What shall he do?*
Kaeya: so you are the one looking for me~? *Thoma, still being nervous.* *Thoma's mind:** *Why can't I speak? What should I do? what should I say? Should I tell him that I like what I see?* 
*Thoma still cant find his words.. so..* 
*Thoma shakes his head to give an answer.* 
*Kaeya chuckles.* 
Kaeya: "Ah well, do you want to book me for today?"*Thoma is still having trouble speaking...* *Thoma's mind:** *I want him so badly that I will do anything to get him...* *Thoma's words:* "Yes, yes I want to."Kaeya: alright cutie~ come with me~ *Kaeya holds out his hand, his nails were black* *Thoma is getting excited... His heart is beating very fast.. And he is blushing very hard!!*

*Thoma reaches Kaeya and he takes his hand. With his fingers touching Kaeya's hand.. His heart fluttered.* *Kaeya walks upstairs, Thoma just noticed that Kaeya has a fluffy bunny tail on his suit and a bit of Kaeyas ass was showing too, his hair was braided. Kaeya had a tatto on his back, it was a peacock* *Thoma's mind:** *OH MY GOD!!! I really like this man now.* *Thoma cannot stop gazing at all the attractive features Kaeya had.*

*Thoma's face was as red as a tomato. His heart can't stop fluttering. He wants to touch those thighs... He wants to touch them badly....* *Thoma's mind:** *He is taking too long.. Maybe I should touch it first? Should I make the first move?* 
*Thoma thinks to himself and grabs Kaeya's thigh. His heart is beating faster and faster... Thoma is really excited right now.* Kaeya: oh? *Kaeya was a bit surprised of Thomas touch* wait a bit longer cutie, alright~ as long as we aren't in the room you aren't allowed to touch me.~ *Thoma's mind:** *Is he teasing me?... Is he playing with my feelings?* *Thoma was blushing more and more in every second, as he is getting more attracted towards Kaeya..*

*Thoma replies while he is blushing hard:* "But... You are taking too long, I want to touch your thighs.." Kaeya: my~, is someone getting needy~? *Kaeya opens the door* *Thoma's mind:** *Yes yes yes..* *Thoma cannot really control his feelings anymore, he is blushing and giggling at the same time, as he looks at Kaeya's body. His eyes are glued to Kaeya's thighs... He is thirsty.* 
*Thoma nods his head, as he walks with Kaeya in the room.* *Kaeya closes and locks the door, there were sex toys, a collar and a leash, handcuffs, ropes and more on the drawer* *Thoma's mind:** *Oh? What's in here?* *Thoma then noticed a lot of toys on the drawer.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *What is the leash used for? Wait hold on.... That look so SUS..* 
*Thoma gets confused.* Kaeya: so you are interested in the leash~? *Thoma is blushing hard and hesitates to say the words.. He is feeling a bit shy. He stares at the leash.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *Should I touch it or not?.* *Thoma's eyes glued on the leash, with a curious look on his face.* 
*Thomas hesitates.* Kaeya: go on, I can do anything you want~ *Thoma's mind:** *Am I really doing this?.* 
*Thoma then comes closer to the drawer.. He hesitates for a few second before he opened it. He grabs the leash quickly..* 
*Thoma's face is as red as a tomato.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *What am I doing... I dont know what this is used for..* Kaeya: oh cutie~, don't be shy.~ *Thoma's mind:** *I am really doing this, huh?* *Thoma takes a hold of it and grips it tightly on his hands. He stares at Kaeya with a really really blushing expression.* 
*Thoma thinks to himself:* I am ready for this moment... I have to take one step at a time.*He takes control of his feelings..* *He then looks at Kaeya and blushes again, as he moves closer towards him. His eyes are glued at his thighs..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *It's now or never..* 
*Thoma puts the leash and the collar on Kaeya, as he grips it.* *Kaeya just chuckles, Thoma doesn't look like he is used to something like this* *Thoma's mind:** *Am I really doing this?* *Thoma grips the leash tighter.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *I am actually putting the leash on him.* *Thoma stares at the leash which is around Kaeya's neck.* 
*Thoma grabs the leash and moves Kaeya towards him, slowly.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *What am I doing?..*

*He then looks at Kaeya with a blushing expression on his face. He is nervous.* *Thoma's mind:** *I hope I'm doing this right.* *Thoma pulls Kaeya closer towards him. He is still clutching the leash and he holds it tightly as he pulls Kaeya closer towards him.* 
*Thoma's face was blushing, he couldn't really control his emotions and he felt nervous and excited at the same time... What will Kaeya do? Will Kaeya allow him to take control?* *Kaeya smiles seductively*
Kaeya: aren't you a cute looking one~? *Kaeya slowly strokes Thomas hair* *Thoma's mind:** *He's actually enjoying it..* *Thoma was blushing harder now..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *This really turned him on...* *Thoma is starting to be more confident now, as Kaeya is showing affection towards him..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *I should continue this.* 
*Thoma pulls Kaeya even harder towards him, as he gets really closer now..* *Kaeya chuckles*
Kaeya: you don't need to hold back~ I'm used to it~ *Thoma's mind:** *Oh?* *Thoma is still holding Kaeya towards him as he is still blushing hard.* 
*Thoma says:* "Oh really now? You're so used to it that you like it, hmm?" *Thoma speaks with a soft voice, as he still keeps holding the leash, which makes Kaeya's neck tight on the leash.* *Kaeya doenst mind as long as Thoma doesn't choke him, he responses in a light chuckle* *Thoma's mind:** *I am loving how Kaeya is actually enjoying this..* *Thoma grips the leash tighter and he pulls Kaeya even closer. Kaeya is really close to Thoma now.* *Kaeyas hands start to trace down Thomas arm and he is waiting for Thoma to take control* *Thoma's control comes into play..* *Thoma moves his face so close to Kaeya's that they are almost at kissing distance.* *Thoma glances at Kaeya's lips for a few seconds with a blush on his face, while he still holds Kaeya with a leash.* *Kaeya shifts closer to Thoma and they're lips met* *Thoma's mind:** *Yes!!* *Thoma's lips met Kaeya's, he couldn't really control it anymore..* *They had a passionate kiss for a moment.* *Thoma was happy.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *I really want this man..* *Thoma pulls the leash really hard as he pushes Kaeya to the wall.*  
*Thoma's mind:** *Now its time for me to take action...* 
*Thoma was blushing even harder.* *Kaeya doesn't mind at all, he is relieved that Thoma finally decided to take the control* *Kaeya smiles seductively at Thomas teasing*
Kaeya: I don't think I'm the only one here who is cute~ *Thoma's mind:** *I really got him..* *Thoma's smile gets wider, as he takes complete control now. He strokes Kaeya's hair once again.* *Thoma's voice is soft, as he speaks:* "Don't get too cocky, my cutie.." 
*Thoma's mind:* *Does he have a submissive side on him?~* Kaeya: then you should start, am I right~ *Thoma's mind:** *Yes, I think I should keep pinning him down...* *Thoma smirks as he holds Kaeya against the wall. He puts both of his arms around Kaeya's neck now, as he pins him against the wall stronger. Thoma looks at Kaeya's body with lust.* Kaeya: what are you waiting for~? *Kaeya leans in to Thomas ear and whispers seductively* I'm all yours~...
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 :𝐃
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟒𝟖𝟓

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