(Diluc x Kaeya) The snow☁️🔥

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Short chapter!

*Both Diluc and Kaeya are on the same bed in Diluc's room, the sheets are a mess, and even the mattress is shifted.*

*Their breathing is heavy as they lie still and exhausted. Kaeya is propped up against the headboard while Diluc lays behind him.* *Diluc is the first to come out of his daze. He sits up from the bed, he turns to Kaeya and pulls him into a hug.*

Diluc: "You alright?"

*Kaeya groans as he cuddles into Diluc's embrace.*

Kaeya: "Mhm..."*Diluc kisses the back of Kaeya's head.*

Diluc: "That was..."

*Diluc goes silent, and he's still holding Kaeya in his arms.*
Kaeya: "amazing... "
Diluc: "Yeah.."

*Diluc kisses Kaeya's neck.* *Diluc kisses him again but this time on the mouth.*

*He then wraps his arms around Kaeya's midsection. His movements are gentle but firm as he lifts Kaeya onto his lap.*

*Diluc's face is flushed a dark red.* *He brings Kaeya's hands and place it on his sides. Kaeya's head rolls back as he is lost in the intimate moment.*
Kaeya: "Diluc...... I'm all sore..."
Diluc: *softly* "I know."

*Diluc starts kissing Kaeya's neck, leaving a line of bruises.* *Diluc's kisses find their way back to Kaeya's mouth. He pulls it tightly against his and starts kissing Kaeya again.*

*Their breathing becomes heavier again.* *After a while, Diluc lays Kaeya down on the bed again. He looks at him for a few moments before leaning over and kissing him again.*

*Diluc starts to stand up, Kaeya's shirt is hanging half off his shoulders. Diluc goes over to the closet and brings out a spare shirt for Kaeya.*

Diluc: "Here, wear this. Your shirt is a mess."*Kaeya puts on the clean shirt but doesn't tuck it in. He moves his bangs out of his face.*

Kaeya: "...You gonna stay here for a bit?"

*Diluc's cheeks are still red as he is putting the dirty clothes inside a basket.*

Diluc: "Mhm."*Diluc sits down at the edge of the bed and picks up Kaeya's hand.*

*He gently caresses it with his thumb.* *He leans in again and gives Kaeya a small kiss on the cheek.*

Diluc: "I love you."*Diluc leans back slightly.*

Diluc: "Hey, I got a surprise for you, okay? It's waiting outside. I want you to come out and look at it."

*Kaeya raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anthing. He slowly climbs down from the bed and walks over to Diluc.*

Kaeya: "What's this all about, hm? A gift? Is it another of your 'surprises'?"*Diluc puts his arm around Kaeya's shoulders and pulls him outside.*

*As soon as Kaeya steps out of the doorway, the sight of snow falls on his eyes. He stares in awe. The snow is slowly falling from the sky, it's a light dusting that isn't covering anythng.*

*Diluc smiles, he seems glad Kaeya likes the surprise. He lets go of Kaeya's shoulder and puts his arm around him once more.*

Diluc: "I remember when you first got to Mondstadt. You told me you never saw snow before."*Diluc points up at the snow as it continues to fall more and more.*

Diluc: "Look, do you see it? It's snowing."

*Kaeya doesn't say anything but his eyes seem like they are glued to the falling flakes.* *The snow starts falling faster, covering Kaeya's clothes in the white stuff.*

*A large, wide grin spreads across Diluc's face.*

Diluc: "Come here."

*He moves close to Kaeya and wraps his arms around him.* *He presses his mouth against Kaeya's before picking him up like a groom carries a bride.*

*Kaeya's eyes widen at the sudden movement but he doesn't resist.*

*Before he knows it, Diluc has carried Kaeya back inside and places him on the couch.*

Diluc: "*My* man."

*He kisses him on the cheek once more.* *Diluc walks away from the sofa and into the kitchen.*

*He pours hot chocolate into two mugs and starts to hum a soft tune.*

*He walks back with the two mugs and places one mug in front of Kaeya.*

*They both drink their hot chocolate, sitting on the sofa. The scene is quiet and blissful, Kaeya sips at his mug while he stares at Diluc.* "...Kaeya?"

*The sudden silence makes Diluc look at his boyfriend from beside him.*

"Are you okay?"

*He finishes his drink and puts the mug in between the two of them.*

"What's got you so quiet?"

*Kaeya's eyes are still on Diluc, he's staring at him like he wants to say something but he hasn't mustered the courage to.*
Kaeya: "I'm just so happy that you actually remembered it.." *Kaeya smiles at Diluc and hugs him* *Diluc hugs him back tight as his cheeks turn a darker shade of red.*

"Of course I remember! I always thought it would be a surprise if I waited until the snow finally comes."

*He caresses Kaeya's ear slowly, a sign of his affection.*
Kaeya: "I love you..."
"I love you too."

*Diluc's words are soft as he pulls Kaeya closer. He brings their mouths together and kisses him deeply again.*

*He wraps his arms tightly around Kaeya, not letting go.*

𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟖𝟔𝟕

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