(Diluc x Kaeya) Special day ☁️

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Modern Au

-Diluc decided to go go into his and Kaeyas bedroom to wake Kaeya up (Diluc and Kaeya are boyfriends)-
Diluc: wake up, love -smiles-

Kaeya: Oh, what time is it? -wakes up and rubs his eye while smirking-
Kaeya: You seem to be in an awfully good mood today, Diluc. What a pleasant surprise.

Diluc:It's almost 9am we need to hurry
-Diluc brings a plate with they're breakfast on it to the bed and Diluc sits down beside Kaeya-

Kaeya:Is today such a special day? -he sits back up on the bed and starts eating the food-
Kaeya:You sound eager to do something, hm? Where should we go? What's so important?

Diluc:I want to go somewhere special today, because...... I ..... I just see so many couples doing some sweet stuff together and I thought.... Why don't we do that too

Kaeya:That is very sweet of you, Diluc. Of course I'll do whatever you want with you, my love. -He gets up and puts his eyepatch to the side. Kaeya walks over to you and smiles-
Kaeya:Let's go see what the day holds. -He goes to take Dilucs hand, his arm extended towards him-

Diluc: not so fast Kaeya, -chuckles- we need to get dressed first

Kaeya:-chuckles and shakes his head- You sound like you don't want to go anywhere. You're stalling! -Kaeya takes his coat and puts it on, then he picks his gloves off his bed-
Kaeya:Fine. You win. -He then takes his eyepatch to put it back on and grabs Diluc's jacket from his wardrobe, holding his hand, he gives him the coat-
Kaeya:Here you go, darling. Come on. Time to go!

Diluc: I'm so lucky to have someone like you -smiles and opens the door for Kaeya-

Kaeya:-smiles- I don't think you're the lucky one, I'm the lucky one. My luck couldn't be any better, having you by my side. -He takes Dilucs hand- Shall we?

-Diluc and Kaeya walk besides the street, hand in hand and some people are watching them with a weird expression. Diluc holds onto Kaeyas hand tighter as a sign to just ignore these people-

Kaeya:-looks over and notices- Do you notice how people are looking at us? -chuckles- It's kinda awkward, really. I don't remember people looking at us before. Maybe I was just too blind to notice. -He leans in and kisses Diluc on the cheek, holding hands once more- Come on, let's ignore them. Nothing we can do about it anyway.

Diluc: Your right Kaeya.... Oh look over there, that's the place I wanted to go with you! -points at a fancy looking restaurant-

Kaeya:Oh, is that the place? -stares at the building- It looks impressive! -He turns to
Diluc and holds his hands- I'm excited, let's go and have some fun! -He smiles and walks with Diluc to the restaurant's door, holding his chest with his hands and pushing the doors open, he walks in-

-Diluc asks a waiter for a seat and he immediately told them they could have the seat at the window. Diluc let's Kaeya sit down first-Diluc: Wow -Diluc looks out of the window- that's beautiful, almost as beautiful as you

Kaeya:Diluc, you just get more and more poetic by the day, love. I feel as if you could woo anyone with just one sentence and a smile, -He says with a smile that melts Dilucs heart- You truly flatter me.

-Diluc and Kaeya are watching the Harbour and the beautiful water-

Kaeya:It's such a wonderful day outside. How did you find this place? It looks so beautiful. -He leans close to Diluc, his smile wider than before- Just you and me enjoying the best this city has to offer us, I'm incredibly happy. Is this your idea of a romantic date to you? I couldn't ask for a better one.

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