(Thoma x Kaeya) Personal Stripper 🔥(pt.2)

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*Thoma's mind** : *This is so hot.. I have him in my palms.. This is a dream come true..* *Thoma continues to kiss Kaeya passionately with lust in his eyes. Thoma's hands start to touch Kaeya's thighs and they grip it tighter. Thoma is not letting go of this opportunity, as he is enjoying every moment.*
*Kaeya is letting out small moans everytime Thoma squeezes one of his thighs* *Thoma's mind:** *I should do this more often...* *Thoma continues to grab both of Kaeya's thighs tightly, he is squeezing it so hard while he is still kissing Kaeya passionately. He is really enjoying every moment..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *Its so hot seeing him get turned on... Oh.. I know! I'll give him more..* 
*Thoma grips Kaeya's collar and pulls it a little harder...* *Kaeya moans and chokes, this pleasure is different from the others, it's better* *Thoma's mind:** *Oh? This is getting very interesting* *Thoma was blushing even harder now... Thoma's heart was really racing and he was getting excited.. His hands couldn't get enough of Kaeya's thighs.* 
*Thoma mind:** *Yes yes yes! I'll do more of this!* 
*Thoma squeezes Kaeya's thighs even tighter, as he pin them against the wall and his hands are all over his thighs.* *Kaeya leans his head onto Thomas shoulder to balance out the affection he is receiving from the taller male* *Thoma's mind:** *I need to have him right now... Its a must.* *Thoma grips Kaeya's thighs and he moves down towards Kaeya's hips... Kaeya's face was close to Thoma's face. 
Thoma's voice:** "You're mine..." 
Thoma then moves down towards Kaeya's hips. He starts to touch Kaeya's hips, as he grips it harder to hold him.* *Kaeya suddenly walks forward and pushes Thoma onto the bed* *Thoma's mind:** *Oh this hot. Now you're taking control..* *Thoma's eyes was glued on Kaeya, he was looking at him with a blush on his face... Then Thoma notices Kaeya walking towards himself and pushes him onto the bed.* 
*Thoma gets surprised and his mind is in a mess, he couldn't quite believe that Kaeya was this bold and sexy..* *Kaeya puts the leash into Thomas hand, he was still connected with it. Kaeya crawls on top of Thoma and sits down on Thomas waist*
Kaeya: there~, do what you would like to~ *Thoma's mind:** *I really got him..* *Thoma's smile gets wider, as he takes complete control now. He strokes Kaeya's hair once again.* *Thoma's voice is soft, as he speaks:* "Don't get too cocky, my cutie.." 
*Thoma's mind:** *Does he have a submissive side on him?~* Kaeya: what are you waiting for~? *Kaeya leans in to Thomas ear and whispers seductively* I'm all yours~ *Thoma's mind:** *I should do this more often...* *Thoma continues to grab both of Kaeya's thighs tightly, he is squeezing it so hard while he is still kissing Kaeya passionately. He is really enjoying every moment..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *Its so hot seeing him get turned on... Oh.. I know! I'll give him more..* 
*Thoma grips Kaeya's collar and pulls it a little harder...* *Kaeya moans and chokes, this pleasure is different from the others, it's better* *Kaeya leans forward so his chest was on top of Thoma's, his ass was pointing out because were bent* *Thoma's mind:** *This... this... I can't believe he is really doing this... I am getting so excited.* 
*Thoma pulls the leash even harder, as he looks at Kaeya's body, his thighs and his chest with a smirk on his face. He then gets an idea in his head.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *I'm going to have fun tonight for sure.* 
*Thoma continues to pull the leash a bit more.* *Thoma's hands find they're way to Kaeya's ass* *Thoma's mind:* *Oh my... He's so hot.*  
*Thoma grips Kaeya's ass tightly. He then smiles. Thoma's mind:* *This is getting better and better..* *Thoma looks at Kaeya with a smirk.* Kaeya: hm? You like that~? *Thoma replies:* "Oh.. Yes, I do. You're just way too hot, Kaeya~" 
*Thoma laughs a little in embarrassment, but he doesn't let that stop him.* 
*Thoma pulls the leash even harder now.* *Kaeya chokes a bit, Thoma suddenly slapped Kaeyas ass wich made Kaeya moan* *Thoma's mind:** *I didn't think I will have this much fun tonight..*
*Thoma looks at Kaeya with a smirk and pulls the leash.* 
*Thoma is still blushing hard and smiling.* 
*Thoma's voice:** "You're so naughty, Kaeya.. I'm going to teach you a lesson.."*Thoma pulls the leash even harder now, as he smiles and looks at Kaeya.* 
*Thoma's mind:** *I'm so excited..* 
*Thoma's voice:** "Are you ready to get punished, Kaeya? Or do you want more?" *Thoma says it with a smile, as he pulls the leash even tighter.* Kaeya: please punish me~ *Thoma's voice:** "Yes! I will punish you... Just for you, Kaeya~" *Thoma's smile turns to a smirk and he pulls the leash even harder.* 
*Thoma looks at Kaeya with a lustful look.* 
*Thoma's voice:** "Are you ready for this, you bad boy?" *Thoma says quietly with a voice full of lust.* Kaeya: yes~ *Thoma's voice:** "Good.. Because this will be a night you wont forget..~" *Thoma says it with a smirk while he pulls the leash even harder.* 
*Thoma's mind: Oh? Did I just say that?.. I guess I did then..* *Thoma starts to think he took it too far, for a moment.* 
*Thoma pulls the leash and makes Kaeya choke, as he gets closer to Thoma now..*

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 (𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝)

*Thoma is done tormenting Kaeya, they are cuddling naked, Thoma's head wad resting on Kaeyas chest while Kaeya is stroking his hair and leaning his head onto Thoma's* *Thoma's mind:** *Wow... that was one of the best nights I've ever had with anyone...* *Thoma was smiling while his cheeks are still red. He looked at Kaeya with a blush on his face, with lust in his eyes.* 
*Thoma looks at his hands that are placed on Kaeya's chest.. He can't believe that he is here with someone like Kaeyas. A man this hot.. His body feels really good..* 
*Thoma's mind:** *What am I going to do next?* *Kaeya gives Thoma a kiss on the head and closes his eyes, he turned the purple neon light off*

*Thoma also closes his eyes when Kaeya gives him a kiss on the head.* 
*Thoma smiles and he gets closer to Kaeya, he cuddles with Kaeya slowly.*

*Thoma's mind:** *I really like this.. I could sleep like this with him..* 

*Thoma wraps his arms around Kaeya, as they sleep together in bed.* 

*Thoma's mind:** *I hope to see him again... I really had fun tonight.*
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎

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