Riddle x Introverted!GN! Reader

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Yet another hell of day at this weird school that requires actual teraphists...But of course the so called "Kind and Generous Headmage" wouldn't spend money on that stuff.

Instead you, my friend, had to become a free teraphist. Yes, free teraphist in a magic school filled with depressed and traumatized boys.

Not only that, 2 dumb&loud boys along with the tanuki monster thingy called "Grim" followed you around. Would you consider them friends? Maybe...maybe...

Who are you kidding actually, they are your friends. No matter how annoying they can be sometimes, they were your emotional support trio. But you did need alone time at some points.

Being an introvert was never easy. But you did start to open up more after your little journey about Riddle Rosehearts.

" 'I saved a school dorm from a tyrant.' Can I put that to my CV?"

"Yea sure, why not?"

Hanging out with the boys was fun at times but its also exhausting... Can't you just stay in your room, watch a movie or read a book maybe even going through MagiCam? Adventures start to get boring or worrying after some points... 3 of them already ended up in overblots.

...,... I guess not.

As you were walking down the school corridors you saw Riddle. 'Is that Riddle?' Him, really!?

You just froze there. The red-headed 160cm dude you totally don't like is walking in the same corridor as you, breathing the same air... You just stopped again as you realized that...

'This is straight up simp behavior, I need to stop.'

As you felt a pat on your shoulder you turned back to face him. "Prefect, have you seen Ace and Deuce?" said Riddle with his usual voice tone. "Is there a matter? Do you have a fever?" he asked you who was blushing and shaking furiously.

"I'm fine Riddle. Thank you for your concern. But I'm fine." The last part was basically whispering as you were screaming internally. You just prayed/wished that you don't look weird.

After learning about ADeuce, Riddle left. You just thanked the Sevens for not letting him lecture you about medicine for fevers.

As he was walking he also had a red-face. 'I did it! I managed to talk to them without blushing or saying anything!'

Trey,who saw all of it while walking with Cater, sighed. You two were like this everytime. One day you, the other Riddle was the one who left the other one stunned while blushing.

'This should come to an end!'

Trey decided that he should make you two confess to eachother. So he asked every single person in NRC who has a knowledge of love.

"Hi prefect. Please come to Heartslabyul after school.

P.S.: Don't bring Grim. He'll cause a mess.

Sender: Trey and Cater"


You just went there because Trey probably made some sweets.

[Timeskip-Heartslabyul Garden]

You were waiting in the garden. The wind breeze was soft. It was all quiet and alone nicely until you heard footsteps.

You turned around quickly to see...Riddle! He was just standing there looking at you.

After some awkward silence he decided to talk.

"Hi prefect... I hope your day is going well"

"I'm fine thanks. What about you?"

"I'm fine also thanks for asking..."

*Another awkward silence*

Trey and Cater saw you two and walked in. The operation "Get Riddle and Prefect together" has started.

"Hey Prefect-chan!"

"Oh hi Cater, and Trey."

"I made a parfait do you want to try it?" Trey asked you and Riddle.


"I don't see a problem with that."

You guys went to kitchen sat and waited. The parfait look nice: cream and strawberries were looking tasty.

You two started to eat. A while later you heard a locking sound. Riddle stood up tried to open the door. His face went red when he heard the laughing sounds outside.

"Cater, open the door right at this instant! It'll be off with your head if you don't!" Riddle started to yell angrily.

"Why its always me?" you thought outloud. Great, just like in those cliché movies, you were stuck with your crush. But this was better since there is food in the kitchen.

After a while Riddle just stopped and sat on his chair. He was not making eye contact with you but some blush was evident on his face.

"Why are they even trying?"

"Huh? Trying what..?"

"Forcing the situation for me to confess."

"Confess what?"

He realized what he said. He blushed as he tried to cover his face.


"I see... I don't really want to be here atcually. I wanted to be alone but I couldn't refuse the desserts made by Trey. Social interactions start to get overwhelming after some time.."

"Is that so? I can say the same I guess. It's nice just to sit down without anyone around sometimes."

The sincerity if your conversation started to light up your faces. It was a nice feeling, being honest with your crush without any obstacle.

"I sometimes wish to be by your side..."


"I like you, Prefect... This isn't the best place to say it but..I do. I like you a lot. Everytime you left me blushing is treasured in my heart. Ever since that time you saved us from my overblot... I have been interested in you... And it blossomed prettily into a crush, just like a rose. Will you go out with me?"

"I-... I um... I don't know how to respond I'm sorry..."

"I-it's not a problem really if you don't like me back. I will be glad to have you as my friend too..." he said softly.

"I like you too, Riddle."


You simply nodded. Your face was full of blush. But you gather your courge to look him in the eyes.

"I would love to go out with you..."

"T-thank you..." he smiled awkardly but still sweetly. He slowly holded your hand in his. "I'm so happy you like me back. I was so nervous... But now it's all gone, huh?"


Hi there! I'm sorry if I didn't made it romantic enough 😅. But I try my best!

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See you later my friend. Have a nice day/night~!

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