More Feen

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"Dally?" Dal heard a groggy voice ask.

He looked up and grinned when he saw that his little sister was awake.  "Hey, kid.  How you feelin'?" he asked her.

"I'm not a baby goat," she muttered, glaring at him as she crossed he arms over her chest, a pouty look on her face just like when she was little and hadn't gotten her way.  "And why am I floating?" she asked dazedly as her gaze drifted to the white ceiling of the hospital room.

She wasn't floating, she was actually laying in a hospital bed, blankets pulled up to her waist, a button-up light blue hospital-issue shirt visible above that.

Dally grinned and answered, "That's the morphine."

"More feen?  What's feen?" she asked, and Dal laughed.  Normally she was so smart, but pump her with drugs and she acted dumber than Two-Bit and Soda combined.

"No, morphine," he said, enunciating that it was one word.  "It's a drug to help with the pain," he explained.

She ignored what he said and asked in a detached voice, "Why does it feel like there's a giant rubber band wrapped around my middle?"

"Cause there kind of is.  You broke some ribs, and they punctured your lungs, and one nicked your spleen," Dally recited what the doctor had told him after he brought Tara back from surgery.

"What's a spleen?" she asked, cocking her head to the side, reminding him of a curious puppy.

"Uh, a giant sac of blood or something along those lines.  That's what the doctor said when I asked him," Dally answered.

"I like the color of blood," she announced loudly.

Dally rolled his eyes, getting a little sick of babying her. "Okay, but you should probably go back to sleep now, kid," he told Tara, and she scowled at him stubbornly.

"I'm not—" she started to protest, but he cut her off, replying defensively, "I know, I know, you're not a baby goat," to what she had been attempting to say before he stopped her, "But you still really need to go to sleep," he chided.

"Fine," she sighed, rolling over and wincing slightly, probably from the pain subdued by morphine, before closing her eyes to go to sleep.

Dally shook his head and settled back in the chair he was sitting in by the side of her bed, planning on getting some sleep himself.  He was a bit surprised she hadn't asked what had happened, but for once she hadn't ended up in the hospital from a head injury and probably remembered herself.  Or was too doped up on drugs to even care at the moment.  But it would be pretty hard to forget about getting in a fight with a Soc at the party Darry had made them go to, especially since she had fought him in a dress.

Dallas Winston Has A Sister? 2 (Outsiders Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now