Trespassing Make-Out Spot

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"Tara, what are you doing?" Pony asked me.

"Something fun," I responded as I  clambered up the chain-link fence, reaching the top and swinging one leg over to the other side.  I stopped and looked down at him, asking mischievously, "You coming?"

"You know this is illegal, right?" he felt the need to point out as I swung my other leg over and began climbing down the other side.

"What if somebody catches us?" Pony asked, sounding nervous.

"Then don't get caught," I responded as I jumped down, turning away from him and heading for the dilapidated building in the center of the fenced in lot, expecting him to follow me.

I heard the fence rattle as he started climbing, calling after me, " If Darry finds out, he'll kill me."

More rattling as he went down the other side, and I stopped and waited after I heard the muted puff of him landing on the loosely packed earth.

"I highly doubt your big brother is following us," I said mockingly as he came close enough so I could see him in the dark.

"Okay, but--but what if someone else catches us?" he stammered.

"Then I'll come up with a fabulous tale for an excuse," I said sarcastically, "Like we were looking for a make-out spot.  Of course that wouldn't work on Darry, though, cause he knows we don't 'make-out'," I said.

"How come?" Pony asked me curiously.

"Cause there's more to a relationship than kissing and groping," I scoffed like it was obvious, regretting having mentioned that as an example excuse in the first place as I scuffed my shoes in the dirt to try and find some good-sized rocks.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ponyboy asked me, confused.

"I don't know.  It's not all physical or some psychological crap like that," I answered with a shrug, trying to drop the subject.

I picked up a rock a little smaller than my fist and began tossing it up in the air and catching it in the same hand, and Pony gave me a weird look for what I had just said before noticing the rock I was getting ready to throw.

"Now that we trespassed, what exactly are you planning on doing?" he asked sarcastically.

"Not me, we.  Here," I said, thrusting the rock into his hand and scooping up another for myself.

I looked up at the remaining second story windows of the old apartment building that I had yet to break out from previous trips here when I was hacked off at someone.

I chucked the rock at one, and it shattered with a satisfying crash followed by the tinkling of glass, and I grinned devilishly at Pony and announced, " Your turn."

"Why are we doing this?  Cause it's still illegal," he said.

"Yeah, you already mentioned that," I said dryly before demanding," Just shut up and throw the rock.  I promise, it'll be fun."

Pony sighed and then took aim, chucking the rock at the same window I had already broken, but breaking out more shards of glass.

I looked at him expectantly as he stared at the hole he had made before he turned to me and grinned, exclaiming," You're right, that was fun."

"When am I ever wrong?" I asked rhetorically.

"But still--" he added, pausing for emphasis before opening his mouth to say exactly what I cut him off to say, " Illegal. I know, you've only said it every thirty seconds.  But that's the whole point why it's fun," I said incredulously.

"I don't think I've ever done something this illegal before," he said, grabbing another rock to throw.

"Hello? Are you not my boyfriend who killed a guy?" I asked, bringing up--well, not one of his favorite subjects.

"That was Johnny," he started timidly and I cut him off again, "You were an accomplice, close enough."

He smirked and gave a slight submissive nod of agreement cause he couldn't really object to that, and then throw another rock at the windows. He got an evil look in his eye that reminded me of Dally when he was about to do something illegal, and I smiled in spite of myself before continuing breaking out windows with Ponyboy.

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