Chapter 15

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"Well hello there," Han grinned, getting out of his chair and walking around the table to hug you. His eyes were dancing, his smile genuine. You'd always liked Han a lot. He'd been friendly and kind to you since day one, but he was complex and interesting, too. Despite his lighthearted or even goofy exterior, you clearly saw the tortured artist soul that he couldn't hide in his music.

Today he seemed happy, though, and you were genuinely glad to see him. His hugs were epic, and he looked gorgeous in his fluffy red and black striped sweater, artfully ragged jeans and combat boots. With fans' enthusiastic support he'd finally grown his dark hair out to the point where he could pull it back into a little half-ponytail, his bangs sweeping his cheekbones. You kissed his adorable cheek and he gently gripped your shoulders and kissed both of yours, calling you "ma chérie" and covering his cuteness with a laugh as he walked back to his seat.

Changbin was a little more reserved with you, holding back most of the cute stuff that the fans all saw in favor of showing you his serious side. He was always exceedingly polite; he jumped up and pulled a chair out for you, bowing slightly with a little smile as he went back to his seat. Of the three main producers, Changbin still held the most mystery for you. You studied him: expected tight silky black tee, baggy sweatpants and expensive sneakers, silver hoop earrings. He, too, seemed to be in a good mood; but you couldn't shake the feeling that he seemed to be holding something back when you were around. You just couldn't tell what. Looking at his mysterious little smile, you resolved to dig deeper.

You took your seat across from them, noting the three empty chairs at the table for six, and looked at your phone to see if there were any messages from Chan or Hyunjin. Both of them were supposed to be there, but you hadn't spoken since leaving them both in bed to go to yoga that morning. There was nothing new.

"They got caught up in something at the office," Han offered before you could ask. Chan said to tell you to have a good dinner and he would text you later."

"So it's just us?"

Changbin and Han both nodded.

"That's cool though, right? We hardly ever get to hang out," Changbin said, raising his hand to alert the waiter, who came over immediately and took drink orders. You can't help but note the muscles bulging out of his shirt sleeve, and look away quickly - but not quickly enough, as Changbin caught you and attempted to hide his grin.

"Yes of course! I heard this place is good," you say, swallowing your nervousness. You noticed that Han was studying you over his menu, a bemused look on his handsome face.

"It is really good," Changbin assured you, turning his menu and pointing out his favorite dishes. You chose one and Changbin ordered for all three of you, Han chiming in just enough to let him know he wasn't the leader. Changbin liked being in control, liked being the one who provided; you knew that from Chan. He also liked being cared for and appreciated; you knew that from your own observations. Han liked nothing more than to playfully disabuse Changbin of any illusions of being the boss, although their bond was actually very tight, respectful and loving. You'd paid a lot of attention to their dynamics, since those very dynamics affected your boyfriend's happiness so greatly - and the success of the group, honestly. 3Racha worked together like a well-oiled machine; a fact that hadn't escaped your unnecessarily vivid imagination, when you thought about what Chan had in mind.

"So what did you do today?" Han leaned in, elbows on the table, playfully kicking your boots with his underneath it.

"Not much, to be honest. I went to yoga, met Minho for lunch, then went home and cleaned. Chan said he had some errands to run this afternoon, then he'd meet me here for dinner. So basically... all I had planned for the day was eating."

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