Chapter 4

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Morning came too early. Chan voted to sleep late, and you decided to stay in bed with him. Thank god for blackout curtains , you think, snuggling up to his back. "You gonna spoon me this time, baby?" His voice is sleepy and cute, teasing. You pull him backwards into you, and kiss the broad expanse of his back until he growls, taking your hand from where it was resting on his ridiculous abs and pushing it down to meet his growing dick. "Keep it up and neither one of us will get any more sleep." You sigh and roll onto your back, knowing he needed the rest.

I really should text Hyunjin that I'm not coming. 

You grab your phone and pull up his number, only to see a text from him that you'd missed during the night.

🥟: Are you mad at me?

You rack your brain for anything you'd done to make him think that, but came up short.

🦄: No. What makes you think that?

🥟: You were acting kind of cold yesterday.

🦄: I was? I didn't mean to.

🥟: Are you sure?

🦄: Of course I'm sure. I don't have any reason to be mad at you, do I?

🥟: I guess not. I'm heading to the warehouse. See you soon.

🦄: I'm going to be in later this afternoon. Taking the morning off.

🥟: Oh.

🥟: If you're mad please just tell me why.

🦄: I promise I'm not mad! I just wanna spend some time with my boyfriend.

You wait several minutes, but Hyunjin doesn't respond, so you put your phone down and curl up again around now-snoozing Chan, lulled back to sleep by his soft snores.

When you wake up again, after a shower together that of course ended up requiring a second shower, you and Chan dress warmly and head out to a restaurant for lunch. He picks a favorite but it's crowded and loud, so you eat in silence rather than shouting over the noise, feeding each other bites of your food and giggling at your attempts to non-verbally communicate. Chan is having fun until his phone goes off, then he frowns at it, typing furiously.

When he looks back up at you he nods to the door, and since you're both finished, you follow him to the register, waiting by the door while he pays. He looks a little miffed as you walk out together, but shakes it off quickly when he sees how worried you seem to be and replaces it with a rueful smile.

"Well looks like I can't even take a morning off," he gripes, opening the car door for you.

"Why, what happened?"

"Seems like SOMEbody - ahem, CHANGBIN - " he coughs out the name - "SOMEbody can't find the album files."

"WHAT?" Chan laughs at the look on your face and shuts your door, walking around and getting in the driver's seat before continuing.

"Don't worry. I have backups of backups. The most he could have lost would be what he's worked on today, and that will be his fault."

"Oh thank goodness. I do NOT want to be there if that's the case, though!"

Chan cringes a little. "Actually I was going to ask if you minded going to JYP with me now, so I can prevent a BinMeltdown? The warehouse is a good bit out of the way but I can get someone to drive you from the office if it's cool with you. Or you can wait for me to fix the problem, and I'll take you myself..."

"Of course! I'll just stay out of the studio until the yelling dies down," you laugh, and Chris looks at you sideways, grabbing your hand with a smile.

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