Chapter 12

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It wasn't like you expected this to happen when you woke up that morning.

You and Chan had talked many times about your relationship, the ins and outs of being poly, and the idea of having an open relationship in general. You had begun to understand a little bit of his long-hidden desires, and while you were rightfully unhappy with him for not telling you about them much sooner, it kinda made sense, the way he put it.

"I couldn't stand the thought of losing you. That's the truth. I thought if you knew what I was into, and you weren't into it, you'd no longer trust me. It's happened before." Chan was holding your hands, the two of you laying in the bed facing each other. His fingers played with your rings, tickled your palms, laced with yours again and again; staying busy while his mind fought for an explanation.

"You should have known and trusted me enough to tell me, instead of just pushing me toward Hyunjin. It would have saved me some agony."

"I know. I know. But I was really scared. I knew you had been cheated on before and I know how that can affect trust."

You'd told Chan about Thomas a few weeks after you'd started dating - Thomas, the dashing Irishman who had worked so hard to get your love, then discarded it like an old napkin once he met someone new. It was the biggest heartbreak of your life, and it took so long for you to find someone you could trust again. That someone was Chan.

"I understand. I do."

"Things worked out in the end, right? Aren't you happy?"

"I was happy with just you, Channie. But yeah, Hyunjin makes me... " you took in a deep breath, unable to keep from sparkling a little just at the thought of him.

"Ugh, I love that. I love seeing that look on your face. I love how much you love him. I love him too, you know," he grinned, kissing you on the lips softly. "I really want to watch you make love."

You'd actually talked to Hyunjin about that very thing, when you were in a similar situation, laying in bed together in post-coital bliss. Hyunjin wasn't adverse to the idea, but he didn't seem 100% comfortable, either. You told Chan this, and he nodded, understanding immediately.

"Maybe in time," he sighed, a contented little smile playing on his handsome face. "I just want everyone to be happy."

"You know who might be into it?"

"Lee Know," you both said together.

"Look, I promise I am not trying to push you into this - you know everything is absolutely up to you - but I know for a fact that Lee Know would do whatever the hell you wanted him to."

"Really? Half the time I can't tell if he even likes me."

"Pshaw," Chan waved away your words. "He's just like that. You can't read him half the time. He definitely likes you. I get the feeling he's gonna make that pretty clear soon."

Minho had indeed made it clear; so clear that he'd just made you cum so hard you almost passed out. Now he was standing over you, panting, grinning at your boyfriend who was leaning on the door, his cock bulging in his jeans.

"Channie," you called, voice shaky, holding out your arms.

Chan immediately set his wine on the bedside table and took a knee on the bed, leaning over to kiss your reddened lips. You slid your fingers through his hair, holding his head lightly as his tongue married yours, tasting of wine. He broke away with a sigh, and your eyes searched his face for any jealousy, but found only love and lust.

"Hi baby girl," he grinned, sitting back and grabbing the wine glass before helping you sit and making you have some. It was just what you needed. You drank heavily, eyes peering up at him. Minho sat on the other side of the bed, putting one hand on your knee, the other still on his rock-hard erection.

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