Chapter 11

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You did indeed put Minho to work, starting by having him clean brushes that had been left out as you stepped into the back to give Hyunjin a call. He hadn't responded to your text, and you were worried. When he answered, his voice was rough.

"Hi beautiful." You hear game sounds in the background, so you knew he wasn't that sick.

"Hyunjin, are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"

He laughed softly. "Because I knew you'd come over and try to nurse me. I didn't want you to catch it, whatever it is - though I think it's just a little cold. I'm fine, don't worry! I woke up from a nap and was just about to text you. Are you at the studio?"

"Yes. Minho is here, helping."

"Helping!? Ha! Well that should be fun."

You look back toward the painfully handsome man staring down at the brush he was holding gingerly between two fingers, his lip curled up at the scent of turpentine. "Yeah, he insisted though."

"He's trying to get in with you already, huh?" Hyunjin's voice sounded a little rueful.

"Haha... I guess so."

"Are you interested?"

"I don't know. Maybe. What do you think? Does it bother you?" You knew how Chan felt about you having relationships with the others, but not how Hyunjin did, not really.

"I think I'm catching a little of Chan's kink," he growled, voice low. "It doesn't bother me at all. Kinda the opposite, if I'm honest."

"Oh really?" you teased. "You wanna watch?"

"Fuck. Are you serious? Yes."

You laugh out loud at how un-sick he suddenly sounded. "I'll think about it," you said teasingly. "But... Whatever happens with Minho...  I'm gonna make him work for it."

"Oh god, that will drive him absolutely batshit. Do it!" The glee in his voice was unmistakable, as if he could still taste the tissues Minho regularly shoved into his pretty mouth.

"I miss you though. Can I bring you anything? Any soup or orange juice? I hate you being sick and all alone," you fussed.

"Oh don't worry. 'Lix is here. He had this cold last week, and he's the best nurse. I've already had fresh squeezed orange juice and I'm practically sweltering under like ten blankets."

"You need to stay warm," I heard Felix protest from what sounded like Hyunjin's lap. You're sure he was snuggled as close as possible, and the thought made you smile. 

"Listen to the nurse, Jinnie. I'll call you later to check in again."

"Mmm, I want to get better so I can kiss you again."

You blush and smile into the phone. "Soon enough, my prince."

"I want kisses!" You hear Felix yell as Hyunjin laughed, and you disconnected.

Turning back to the studio, you found Minho dumping the entire set of dirty brushes into the garbage.

"What are you doing?"

"You're right - this is too hard, and it stinks. I'll buy you all new brushes."

"Lino, those are perfectly good - "

"Don't care! I want to buy you things. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Let's go!"

"Okay, whatever. But I'm putting down at least one layer before we go. It's all blue so you can help." Minho sighs, hands on his hips as you open a can of cerulean blue paint and pour it out into trays. You grabbed fresh brushes and handed him one. He held it like a scepter, and you laughed, pulling an apron over your head and tossing one at him. He caught it, looking puzzled.

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