Chapter 23

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"Guys, you know the new sound engineer, Mr. Kim?"

Changbin's eyes are twinkling. He's been in such a good mood since your tryst with Hyunjin; you don't know if that's the reason, but he seems more comfortable in general, and you're over the moon about that. You snuggle into his shoulder, resting your chin on it and looking up at him adoringly. Jisung does the same on the other side as Binnie side-eyes you both with a little grin.

"Hmmm? I know Mr. Kim," Jisung says in a teasing little kid voice, making puppy eyes at Changbin.

"Well I don't know him," you answer, voice and eyes just as silly.

"Oh you don't know him? You meet Mr. Kim–"

"Maybe I meet him one day!"

"Maybe Mr. Kim come to dinner–"

"Come on guys, I'm trying to tell a story here," Changbin interrupted your back and forth with only a slight whine.

You and the guys were all squeezed together at the table, finishing up what's left of a giant delivery order of food. Tonight you were having dinner with the whole group at your place. When Chan had alerted you that they were all coming, you'd rushed to get dressed, pulling your hair into a ponytail and getting to work. You'd hurried to get the apartment picked up and to gather enough chairs, adding the extra leaf to the table so it was just big enough, setting it with plates and chopsticks.

The delivery arrived just as the boys did, making for a few moments of pure chaos as they pulled stuff out of bags, tasting with their fingers, fighting over seats, yelling about condiments, and generally being hilarious. Once you finally got them all seated, they'd razed the table of food like a swarm of locusts. Everyone was picking at the last bits while Minho worked on some surprise dessert in the kitchen, yelling his additions to the conversation over the bar.

"I like Mr. Kim. He's so goofy," Chan chuckles, "but the man can mix."

Felix laughs. "He's the one who always wears mismatched socks, right?"

"That's the one," Changbin confirms. "You guys know what he did yesterday?"

"Wear matching socks?" Hyunjin snorts. He, too, had been sparkly and bright, proud of himself, and super loving toward you and Binnie over the past couple of days. Jisung had noticed, and seemed a little jealous - of you, Hyunjin or Bin, you couldn't be sure. Han was definitely turning on the charm tonight, winking at you from across the broad expanse of Changbin's chest and pursing his lips in a little air kiss.

"No, it's way better," Binnie snickers. "He was testing out the new microphones, and he had his headphones on, so he didn't realize that he was also connected to the main speakers."

Chan's smile is wide and infectious. He was the happiest you'd seen in a while tonight; your heart swelled every time you looked at his contented face. "Oh naurrrrr..." he said, leaning forward with an anticipating grin, his elbows on the table.

"He started singing along to the track. But not just singing... my mans was performing a full-on concert, complete with dance moves and super dramatic expressions!" Changbin mimicked the faces he'd made and some of the moves, dislodging you and Jisung both from his broad shoulders.

The table erupts in laughter. "And he didn't realize you guys could hear him?" Minho hollers from the kitchen.

"Not until Han and I.N walked in and started clapping along!" Changbin replies, his high-pitched giggle making you laugh harder.

Jeongin chimes in, "Mr. Kim's got some serious vocals though. Maybe we should ask him to feature on the next track."

"That reminds me, hyung, we have to finish my song tonight so we can get it to him tomorrow," Jisung said, turning his sad puppy pout on Chan. "You know he's going on vacation next week."

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