ch.1.the news

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(kira outfit)

( her aesthetic is gonna go between y2k and modern )

( her aesthetic is gonna go between y2k and modern )

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Kira fadar pov

I was sitting in my room on my bed reading while listening to music with moon, my black kitten, currently scratching moons back when I heard a big noise coming from down stairs. I jump up and ran down stairs to see my two younger brothers playing video games as always.

" what the fuck was that?" i yelled over the game, just in time dad walked in on the phone with a bored game in his hand,

"I am the   in Hollywood, and you just made me angry. I Brad Pitt  for you. Then I Roberts. I do not care. Yes, you dim better. Thanks, a nice July 4th. love you." dad hung up the phone and looked up to see his kids

"hey guys,? " he said while sitting down and setting up the game. i went over where dad was and set down to play the games with him like old times in the basement with dad, Kurt, Higgins, Eric and rob.

" hi dad' we all said

" you wanna play Slides and  heard? Best fat game. I  it as a child. They give you a turner. You turn and land on a... then  up the ladder. If you land on a then you  down. And  again. " dad explain the game to the boys but they was glued to the screen in front of them...

" hey, dingdongs wanna play? i promise, its fun i used to play it with dad." i spoke

"What then? The winner gets a  training bra?" Keith asked still paying attention on the tv.

"Yes, Dad, that sounds bad." Greg spoke

"This was the best game I and my buddies and ki used to play. to show a  in the basement, with a hot chocolate. " dad said. he looked a bit sad when they said no

" its okay dad, ill play with you like old times" i said while playing the game

" least i know my oldest is cool " dad joked

"That would taste best now" Greg said

" RITA " he yelled

"Its message. She washes." Keith told his brother

"Dad, we went  to Spielberg shop. They have a 150 inch TV." Keith also said

"If you E.T. directs." both dad and i said, we looked at each other and fist bump.

"Beg for mercy." the game spoke from the tv

"What? You're on 's  ship ... and cut your head off with a chainsaw?" dad questions looking confused as hell.

"Or you can kill them." greg said

" i see it now " dad spoke

"Grandmother overboard. Plus 200 points." the tv spoke again......

"Can someone please answer the phone." dad called out. i got up to answer it

"Maybe some  for my throat." greg said ( idek who says it )

" dad imma go upstairs and check up on moon, " i said coming back from the kitchen, i gave dad a quick hug then headed up stairs.

when i got up stairs i set on my bed and played with moon for a little and read ' haunting Adeline' by h,d carlton for a bit. ( its rly a good ass book to read but read the tw b4 u read) 20 mins has passed and was half way through the book when i heard a crash, i place my phone in my book bc i couldn't find my bookmark ( tru story ) and hurried down stairs to see everone out side with Becky?

" WHAT HAPPEND" i yelled a bit

" dont worry ki, Becky is alr. but she came and told me that she answered the phone and told me that couch buzzer died." dad spoke with sad ness in his tone. i was shocked couch buzzer was like a grandpa to me, he taught me basketball and some games from the old days. i went over and hug dad,.

" im sorry dad" i said with tears in my eyes. dad hugged me back

" how about we all get hot coco " dad spoke releasing the hug... as everyone went inside, dad and i were the last two outside

" you alright dad" i asked

" yea, i will be. plus i got you guys and my buddies" dad said. we both walked in side. i was bout to walk back in my room then dads voice spoke up.

" the funeral is tmr and were going to the lake house for the weekend ' he said,

"ok, is it the one we went to when i was like 9?" i asked

"yes ma'am, make sure you pack enough stuff and can you plz help becs with hers after yours" dad questions

" of course and i will." i say while walking up stairs..

20 mins later

I was in the middle of packing, witch I'm almost done but i decided to bring a couple of books . i choose 3 books. one was ' hunting Adeline', icebreaker, too late. after i got done with my things i packed some of moons stuff in a diff bag. i then headed to becs room and packed some things for her that she'll need for the trip, after that went to my room and took a nice shower then went to bed....

( skipping the part where the other 4 dingdongs found out )

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