ch.5. rope swing and hurt bird?

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kira pov

i got done changing out of my dress. i went back into my room and grab the book called 'too late' i alr finish the cat and mouse duet( haunting and hunting Adeline) i walked outside see dad and his friends chillin and talking about who knows what.. i found a spot on the deck and began to read.... 30 mins have past and i was half way through the book when i heard walking on the deck i turn to see who it was it was Elijah, he sat next to me and pulled out the book.

" you know you could've told me there was so much sex in icebreaker " elijah spoke i snorted and looked up at him

" where the fun at, plus you insisted to read my books.." i joked a bit then went back reading i was almost done with the book, man i rly do read alot and fast..... i heard screams i looked over elijah to see dad brought the boys with Becky fallowing outside ... the other adults brought the other kids out to join... i got up and went to them to see whats up

" whats going on?" i asked

" where getting all kids from the internet to the outside world and going on a hike." kurt explained

"shi, can i join" both elijah and i asked at the same time

"yes, everyone is welcomed" dad spoke

" kay, let me put my book up real quick" i said i took Elijah's book to and went up stairs to the room then back outside and we went on our adventure .... walking in the woods the guys told the lilttle kids abt the fun shit they used to do till higgins slipped up and told them about the rocket bottles and shoot each other the the face , i remember that story clearly.

" OH MY GOD" dad shouted

" WHAT" the kids say togather

" don't you see the rope and a tree " dad asked still looking at the ropeswing

" what do we get to hang ourselves with it" charlotte asked with sas. i went up to her gave her a high five for that

" what dose it not make you wanna go crazy" dad says i rasied my hand

" yess" i said in excitement

" okay, ki come here then" dad said i went up to him he hands me the rope i take it and went back before running and did a cannon ball, i reached the surface to see eric bout to jump into till the rope snaps and he fall, there where lots of oohs. i laughted a bit and swim up to the shore and got out went to the spont we were at, eric fake an injury and bec pointed out to the bired that was hurts..

"DAYMN eric why dont you kill the bird " i joked ringing water out my hair

" haha, very funny ki" he responed '

" but you alr there, you did took a big ass fall" i asked walking up to him checking over him making sure theres no injury's...

" yea im okay, but the bird on the other hand " eric said looking at the bird in the box that dad got....

" thats good. imma head back and change and shower before going to the dinner" i said walking back to the house.. when i got there i grab fresh cloths and head to the bathroom and took a nice shower....

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