ch.6.dinner/ knowing each other

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(Kira outfit^)

( sry its been a long ass min but im alive was having the time of my life on spring break...)

after taking a shower i got out and dried off and got changed into a denim skirt and a long black sleeve top, then walked out of the bathroom to my room.. i seen eli was not in here.... i shrugged it off thinking he was with the kids or adults.. i went to the closest i open the door when i seen a figure popped out out of instances ( i think that's the word, ill look it up in da future) i punch the figure and screamed , then i heard a grunt i looked up to see elijah holding his nose... opps

" you asshole" i screamed at the dumbass in front of me

" me, your the one that punched me ' he defended himself jokingly

" well im not the one scaring ppl, and fyi your not zade.." i said looking at him i scanned his face to make sure he isn't hurt .

" how do yk i read the book.. and i think u broke my nose" he mused

" ik everything in the book also you disserved it. but your nose looks ok just a bit red" i said

" yea yea, so the adults and children or getting read for dinner so i though we can hang out since were the only ones ready, and we and get to know each other." Elijah states while walking to the bed pulling out book and a joint ? since we did he smoke ? i walked to the door and close it and put a towel in front of the crack of the door then waddled back to the bed garbing my self a book as well. i got comfy and open da book while eijah lit the joint..

" okay, ill go first. " elijah spoke taking a hit then passing it to me

" what gentlemen, but go ahead" i spoked joking and doing the same as him taking a hit

" okay, fav color , song, food, movie ,book, place, and animal " he asked i took one more hit then passing it to him ( to lazy to do all the get to know someone thingy )

" fav colors green, blue, black. song 'cigarettes' out the window by tv girl , i don't rly have favs food. movies horror or crimes , books i love them all, place ether my room, book store, or lake and animals cats and penguins. and what about you ? " i answered while reading

" red and black , song ' me and your mama ' by childish Gambino , food same with you, i love all movies, well i cant say i have a fav book you got me into reading, and animals i love them all" he spoke up he took a hit and passed it back to me ( choose 2 random songs out my playlist ). we kept talking and got to know each other more we had some things in common while passing a joint back in forth and reading..... after a while we finished the joint and got up and get things wee need for the mini trip, i got a bag that was big enough for our books, 2 more joints. perfume/clone, phones, headphones and some eyedrops in case and wtv else we need while Elijah sprayed the room and open the window and turn the fan on to air out the room, i went to the dresser and refixed my makeup than we both headed down the stair with the others..

" heyy, kiki can i ride with you" Elijah asked his eyes were red and he looks like hes about to laugh. i nod my head and told him one sec and asked dad he said yes then came back

" he said yes, but we have to sit in the back the younger kids get the front, but becks going with bean and his family in there car and i think Marcus is going with the McKenzie's." i told him while we got to the car we slid in tot he back..i got my bag and took out my phone and headphones gave one to Elijah and took out our books and read to we got to the dinner .

time skip to the diner

we finally got there, Elijah and i put our things way put kept my phone and his with my head phones out, as we got out he was IN charged of the phones and i was IN charged of the bag.. we looked ]at each other and burst out laughing to what exactly nothing. the rest looked at us werid besides the five dingdongs i think they knew what we did ( ' here's some holy water for the ppl whos minds are in da gutter') we all walked in the waiter took us to a table... i sat next to elijah and donna. as i sat down Elijah gave me one of the headphones and played music while having a convo abt random shit.

"ooo, cookies and milfs " Higgins said.. i was so confused on what was happing around me, but after a while i seen mom stood up and walked off to who knows what, then after a few mins dad and mom came back and talked abt mulin. Elijah knows but he wasnt mad knowing i can go if i want or not.... after we got done eating we went to play games with da kiddos. i went to one those claw machines with animals and won a cat who looks like moon but opposite color witch was white fur and blue eyes, and went back to elijah who had an animal in his hand to ..

" so i thought id be supper nice and get you a cat of your own cat but since you said your moms allergic i got you a stuff one who looks like moon but diff " i said handing him the cat witch he glady took and hand me stuff penguin

" same thing but different end, since we cant actually own a penguin so i got u this ' he said handed me a blue penguin

" awww, thank u .. now we need names like asap for them " i said while thinking

" i got it, how about blueberry muffin but blueberry for short for your penguin and light for my cat " elijah said

" yessss, but why'd you sound so smart saying that" i laugh a bit.

" that's bc i am smart and also when we get to the lake house wanna sneck out like when were 16 and go explore " he questions, i thought abt it and nod my head

" yess, i mean the kids are gonna bed and ik the adults are gonna drinking ofc, plus knowing them if they did drink they'll end up doing the nasty" i told him while mentality gagged

" perfect, while they get the kids to bed we can get ready and grab what we need, i feel like batman " Elijah said with pride

" okay we wait till we go back to the house and get ready, deal" i asked looking up at him

" deal, MS fader " he said while sticking his hand out witch i gladly shook back..

after desert and playing more games we head back to the lake house

( this felt forever to write, but ill go back and fix some shit later that are not right, i wanna make the rest of the ch first then ill go over them like a teacher would )

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