.ch 7. old times

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( okay b4 i make them go out and sneak out, imma say there a town like 20 mins away from them and another path that leads to who knows where )

As we got back to the house the parents put the kids to bed while me and Eli were in our room putting out things tg and waiting for the parents to leave to the shed. even tho there grown adults, they still want it to fell like there teen sneaking out like back in the ol days. They made small chats and was laughing abt who knows what,
Eli left to the bathroom to change into sum nice but cozy clothes while Lo did the same in the room they both decided to match, they both wore black zip ups , white tanks and carton pj pants. After they both changed ki went to the kitchen get a lil of snacks and found some weird vegan food ( I think that's what Gloria made ) anyways she made her Mary little way to the room and almost died on the way there.....

" kk, so I got a lil food for now, and we can stop by a gas station to get more if need ?" I looked at Eli he nodded at before i continued " also let's go through everything again and make sure we have everything " I said while looking at the stuff in the bed while Eli named the stuff

" food, drinks , chargers, za , books, etc " he named the stuff while I replied 'check' or 'yep' while putting them in a bag. We got reading and turn the lights off.. we also got life 360 app so we don't lose eachother ( I aways be staking my mommy 💋 gotta make sure she's safe and secure 🫡)

We made ours Mary lil way to the window and went out there, the room was facing the back close to the side of the front. We flew out and started to walking to the drive way and to the road, after 15 mins we brought a speaker out and played some music ( who doesn't love music 😫🤞🏻) we were playing around and making sum of random things

" Eli, hear me out " I said to him the most stupid but serious tone

"Yes? " he said

" what if I married yours uncle and you can be like my nephew." I said trying not to laugh when I said that his face turned into pure horror and looks at me, I couldn't help but laugh

" yOu YOUng mISsY aRE noT FuNNY" he said while gagging but laugh " ew plus who wants to get with him, he's like a walking umm " he went on trying to look for a best word for his uncle Marcus. " player that says will say ' scoring is boring ', you know what I mean ". He said looking at me

" oh yes, I see it like clearly, he can't keep it on his pants . I'm surprised he hasn't caught anything unless he has " I mused looking ahead in thought

We walked about her 10 mins and seen the town and found a gas station, we walked into the store ( shh Ik it's a gas station but imma say store for short )
And went to the snack isle to become big backs....

" kiiiiiii, look what I found " Elijah said with excitement I looked at it and It was an air horn and he had, zip ties and mouse traps.

" wait , what if we prank every one in the house with themmmm, " I said telling him my thoughts...... he nodded his head and we bought, the snacks, drinks and the pranking supplies...
We walked back to the road and I remembered a little path I seen close to our driveway but a little bit farther away, I told Eli abt it and he agreed and made our way to the path......

~~ time skip, they reached their final destination ~~

As Elijah and I finally made it after a year ( 20 or 30 mins)

We walked in the woods and got out our flashlights, which was smart bc we don't have to use up our phones battery. Couples mins we found the most beautiful, most spine taking lake with a water fall and a huge ass rock kinda in the middle of the lake. We decided to sit down ontop of the waterfall thing and brought out our supplies we gotten and our dumb asses to make a fire. It might be stupid but at least we ain't wasting battery, after we finish the fire we sat down the blanket and we sat on top of it ,

" sooo, would you rather switch books for electronics or switch electronics for books " ki said as they were munching and reading, and smoking from time to time, Eli looked at me I looked closely and realized he has dimples witch was really cute...

" switch electronics with books ofcc, well I mean I'd would chose the frist buttt you got me into reading soooo I'd have to chose the sec option " he said looking at me with a smile, Elijah was looking at Kira and noticed how she had some freckles scattered across her cheeks n nose and has a scar on her for head, to him she was the most memorable woman he ever seen.

" so what do you want for a future job " Elijah asked her

Kira was in deep thought about what she wants to be she had 3 options " Either a writer, baker or fashion designer like my mom" she said looking at him then to her book.. then turned to Elijah and asked " what do you want you job to be ? " thinking abt his answer

" a mechanic or a stripper" he said in a serious manner, i looked at him funny at his sec chose then he spoke " im just playin abt the sec opinion, if mechanic doesn't work out then work as a daycare person, maybe i can see the lil kiddos there when parents want there alone and fun time " he finish i looked up and smiled Elijah was good with kids

After 30 mins we stop reading and smoked and talked....

Another 2 hours passed by they still were there they decided to go walk around, before they did they packed up and out the fire out and marked this spot for tmr or another day when they came back...

After a while they headed back to the cabin and took a shower separately and got into different clothes and hung out and watch tv while putting the stuff up and planing the prank...

( sry I deleted the store I didn't have the feeling to write, I seen people posting saying they had writers block so I think that's what I had but I'll try and update)

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